Daily Archives: October 17, 2013

More Infantino Packaging

One of my friends (Mel) from Lily’s modeling agency, whom I met at an Infantino photoshoot, came across another toy that Lily was on the front cover of!!  The Infantino toy is the Go Go Activity Trio Jungle Pals!  She was so kind enough to mail me the toy, not one but two of them so that I can have one for my Lily’s modeling shrine, and one for Lily to play with!  She found this at Home Goods, really random right?  Either way, it’s so exciting to see her on the box!!!  We are always so proud of you Lily!!!  Here’s the LINK to my previous post of her and this toy!

Also, you can get her Infantino Snap & Pop Pals toys online (and in stores) at Babies ‘R Us and through Amazon!!