Daily Archives: October 14, 2013

Happy Sweet 16 Months Lily!

Lily’s artwork from school!

Happy Sweet 16 Months to our precious Lily pad!!  She’s still small, hasn’t grown too much since last month, weighing in at 19.6 pounds and is stretches about 30.5 inches tall.  She recently got bronchiolitis and had to breathe through a nebulizer for a couple weeks, but she’s all better now, no more wheezing!  Also, Lily is finally off the bottle, woohoo!!!  We were so happy and proud of our Lily pad when she started drinking a significantly more amount of milk from her thermos straw cup.  We tried sippy cups, normal straw cups, and finally the thermos straw cup.  We tried to ween her off but it wasn’t working so we decided to do it cold turkey.  Eventually she realized the only way she can have her milk was through the straw cup, so instead of pushing it away, she now takes it without a fight!  It felt good to put away the bottle drying rack, we now have more space on our counter, and Khoa’s super relieved he doesn’t have to wash anymore bottles (for now).  Good job Lily pad!!  She also is so good at listening, we’ll ask her to put her toy back when she’s done playing with it and not only does she put it back (most of the time), but she’ll put it back in the right spot on the right shelf and everything!  I’m just so amazed by how much she understands and how well she listens!  She loves to babble and she’s learning to say a lot more works too even though sometimes she likes to add a “buh” sound at the beginning of some words, like “baiper” instead of “diaper” and “bup” instead of “up”! haha.  She even knows to say her name, except she says “yiyi” instead, close enough! haha.  That’s our cutie pie!  She’s also signing a lot more words and picking up new signs a lot quicker now too!  She’s also very good at feeding herself, eating bananas by herself and hold a spoon and scooping yogurt, oatmeal, or porridge into her mouth!  It’s still messy but it’s all part of the learning process!  Lily loves playing at the playground and going down the slide, feet first but on her belly haha.  She loves being outside, playing with friends, and riding on her elephant Elijah (thanks Cynthia!).

Last week she graduated from her Parent & Me Beginner swimming class and will move on up to her Parent & Me Intermediate level swimming class!  She got this cute certificate and got to dig through the treasure chest to pick out a toy for graduating from the beginner’s class!  It took her awhile to pick a toy cause she kept shaking her head no at all the things the worker showed to her, but she finally settled on a green stretchy plastic guy that you can bend and shape!  You can also check out a short video from my instagram of her swimming too below!

I also found Lily on the cover of another Infantino toy, the Teether Links, at Babies ‘R Us!  I went to several different Babies ‘R Us and was finally able to track this down.  I was so excited when I saw her darling face that I grabbed three of these, then I stood there for a minute pondering if I should just but the rest as well, since there was only two more on the rack, and so I did!  BUY THEM ALL!!! haha.  I was so excited, I didn’t even have a cart, so I’m juggling all of these and plopped it onto the cashier counter.  I had a proud momager moment and told the cashier guy that that’s my baby on the cover!!!  I’m so proud of her and this is the first time I was actually able to find one of her toys myself!!!  Just look at that sweet chubby little face, don’t you just wanna squeeze her?  So proud!!!

I also took a gamble and bought her Funflower, seen HERE, and her Soft Safari Foam Puzzle Set on Amazon, and look who’s on the cover!!!  My dad also found her Jittery Pal at Babies ‘R Us, it was the last one at the time!  Woohoo!!  So excited that my collection of Lily’s toys are growing bigger and bigger!