39 Weeks!

At 39 weeks into my pregnancy, our baby dragon Lily is about the size of a watermelon!  Last week at my doctor’s appointment, her heart beat was a 146bpm, I gained a total of 14 lbs (so I lost a pound), I was still only dilated 1 cm and I was 70% effaced!  (TMI alert ahead!)  I believe last Friday or Saturday I lost my mucus plug too.  It doesn’t mean I will instantly go into labor, every person is different.  However, this does make progress so she can arrive any day now!

For the most part, I am feeling great, just really anxious and eager to meet our dragon lily!  I get a lot of braxton hicks contractions and a lot of “lightning crotch” symptoms (it’s when the baby’s head is so low that sometimes she bumps into some nerves that’ll send a sharp shooting pain down my leg).  I don’t feel terrible uncomfortable most of the time, but I am usually quite tired.  I can tell she’s dropped a lot cause my belly use to be a lot higher, so I feel like we are getting close!  I want her to come out when she’s well and ready, but at the same time, I’m very impatient and want her in my arms now!!!!  haha.  I hope it will be sooner than later!  Khoa and I joked saying if she’s like me, she will come out early, and if she’s like her daddy, she will wait until the very last minute and come at her due date or after!  I really hope she’s like me =P.

Yesterday we had a growth ultrasound and she sure is growing fast!  She is about 7lbs 5oz which puts her in about the 40th percentile!  Still below average on the small side but that seems big and dandy to me!!  They also measured my cervix and I am 2cm dilated!  During the ultrasound, Khoa was able to capture a really cute video of our Lily pad sucking with her lips!!  Since she’s making us wait to meet her still, here are a couple pictures where you can see her big lips, little button nose, and chubby cheeks!  Also, below is her video for all of us to enjoy for now! =)

Update: June 6, 2012
I just had my Dr’s appointment today and here’s the latest update. I gained a total of 15 pounds, I am almost 3cm dilated (what a GREAT head start!) and I am 80% effaced! Woohoo! We continue to wait, but I feel she’ll be here sooner than later (I hope)!

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