Pregnancy Brain

People often refer to the behavior of “Pregnancy Brain” or “Momnesia” when women are pregnant, it is a condition that affects expectant mothers, usually during the first and third trimesters. Sometimes known as placenta brain or baby brain drain, the condition is usually characterized by short-term memory loss or forgetfulness and ability to concentrate isn’t up to par during pregnancy. Some medical experts say that pregnancy brain is a myth, but evidence shows that many women (me being one of them) have experienced this condition. No one has a perfect memory, so I feel these things happens do to normal distractions of life. Some people told me I should document my experiences, and I find these incidents very out of character for myself and therefore quite amusing to others. Some people told me to document my momnesia moments…oh wait, did I just say that? Darn it strikes again! Just kidding, but that’s really how bad it can get sometimes…Thinking about how easily and quickly I sometimes forget things sometimes makes me frustrated, but in the end, they provide funny stories to share. So I hope you enjoy my epic fails and momnesia moments (sorted in chronological order, or so I think it is…)!

Pregnancy Brain with Lily:

Grocery List:
I wanted Khoa to get some groceries for me, and he told me in an email to text him the list of groceries so he knows what to buy. So I told him I will do that when I get off work. Work ends and I’m driving home and Khoa and I often talk on the phone to keep each other company during our commutes home, and he says “By the way, text me the list.” So I said “Oh right! I’ll do it after I go my chiropractor’s appointment.” So I finish my appointment, get home, make myself comfy on the couch, turn on the tv, then call Khoa back and see how far from home he is. He tells me he’s maybe 40 mins away, and that he needs the list! By now I can’t believe I forgot to do this so many times already, so I’m like “AH!! What is WRONG with me?? I’m going to hang up RIGHT NOW, and text it to you!!” I hang up, then start to see what show I want to watch on the tube! Then I’m like, hmm why did we hang up on the phone again? So at this moment, Khoa calls me back and tells me he’s at the supermarket…with no list! I am just so baffled with myself, I quickly tell him some items I wanted to get him started, then hang up, and FINALLY texted him the full list…outrageous!

Freeway Exit:
I was driving home, and completely missed my freeway exit. I must have zoned out or something!

How to Wear a Shirt:
I came home from a full day’s work, maybe 2 hours at home relaxing, I look down at my shirt and notice it’s a little off. Then I realized, I wore my shirt insideout the ENTIRE time and NO ONE said anything…=(. It was a blue shirt that has ruffles in the front too…so this whole time I wore it inside out with the ruffles on the inside, so it’s just bulging out with the tag sticking out in the back…*sigh…

Twelf or Twelfth:
I was writing up the baby announcement email to our families, and I wanted to put the due date and spell out the number 12th. For some reason, I typed out “twelf” since that’s how you sound it out, but then it looked strange to me. I kept staring at it…pondering…and it just looked off to me. After a few minutes of trying to remember how it’s really spelled, I finally corrected it to Twelfth. So strange spelling out numbers like that…

Going Home:
I was driving home from work one day on a really rainy, dark, gloomy day. It was around Christmas time, so all the twinkling Christmas lights on people’s homes were up! I turned into my street and I was admiring all the new lights on the houses when I realized that these lights are different, and that my neighbors must have added some new lights to their arrangement! So I continue to drive down the street and next thing I know, I turn the turnaround! I thought to myself, whoops, I can’t believe I missed my turn into my driveway! That’s what I get for getting distracted with all the purty lights! So I go around the turnaround and drive back to find my entry to my driveway path, when I realize there’s no road that leads to it! I was so confused for a minute, then I realized, I turned into the wrong street altogether, and that my actually street is the next street over… I turned too early! No wonder all the lights looked new! Silly me!

Taking Luna Out:
I was driving home from work and was on the phone with Khoa.
Khoa: “I can help you and take Luna out when I get home so that you can start cooking dinner right away cause I know you’re hungry and need to eat!”
Me: “OK!” Then literally 3 seconds later, I ask Khoa “Hey do you think you can take Luna out for me so I can start cooking dinner? I’m huuungry!!”
Khoa: “Are you serious?”
Me: “Yea…is that ok? Please?”
Khoa: “I JUST told you that I would take her out for you!”
Me: “Oh….whooops…!!!” hahahaha


Pregnancy Brain with Leo:

Shuttle Bus:
Me: They should make a shuttle system that’ll pick Lily up at our house and take her to school
Khoa: You mean a school bus?
Me: No, a shuttle, that’ll go directly and specifically to her school only!
Khoa:  What exactly do you think a school bus does?!

2 Responses to Pregnancy Brain

  1. Cynthia says:

    Haha, when I read the story about ‘Twelf or Twelfth’ I was thinking ‘Twelf isn’t a word!!’ LOL. Too funny.

  2. Jennifer says:

    teehee. Too funny, but so true…

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