Category Archives: Featured

Happy 1st Birthday Prince Leo!


LeoLilysSunglassesHappy 1st Birthday to my dearest le petit Prince Leo!  Leo weighs in at 19.65lbs (21%), stretches 30 inches long (56%), and head circumference is 17.5 inches (22%).  At his 1 year check up, he got a finger prick and his iron level was a little bit low, so he is now going to start taking poly-vi-sol vitamins with iron in it once a day.  Leo got 3 shots and cried his eyes out but took them like a champ and calmed down shortly after.  It’s also so painful to watch, but it’s for his health and he luckily didn’t have any fevers or anything afterwards.  Leo’s PT and pediatrician noticed some of hypertension in Leo’s legs and arms, and so Leo will be getting a full neuro evaluation and an MRI scan to see what’s going on, and if there’s anything in the brain that’s preventing him from achieving certain developmental milestones.  If the brain looks good, then it’s just a matter of working with Leo to strengthen his muscles and train his mind to get him to develop.  If something is going on neurologically, then we will have to go with a different approach, I’m not sure what that would be yet.

Leo1YrCheckup2 Leo1YrCheckup1

Leo1stHaircutLeo1stHaircutCertificateThe pediatrician said he’ll probably need speech therapy later on, and I talked to his PT and usually that would start around 18 months of age.  There was mention with his PT that they might add an Infant Educator back onto his early start program, but I said if he doesn’t really need it, I’d rather not because 3 hours of therapy is a lot for the little guy, and an infant educator is more broad and not necessarily specific for any particular development.  So he might not have to add another hour of therapy to his already busy schedule.  Leo also had to do an allergy blood test and I found out that Leo has a severe allergy to eggs, egg whites in particular.  His doctor said if he gets in contact with it, I can use Benadryl to help the allergy reaction, otherwise, we will be to have an epi pen on hand just in case he gets an accident and he reacts badly.  We noticed that Leo’s skin will turn red just from touching things that had eggs in it, so it’s sad that this is confirmed, since eggs are so yummy and are in sooo many yummy foods.  However, it’s good to know now so that we can keep him safe and healthy!  He is also allergic to nuts, particular peanuts and cashews.  Poor baby Leo. He will learn to enjoy other foods though (once he starts learning to eat).  Leo also got his first haircut a few weeks ago and was so cute and super ticklish too.  He looks like a little boy now, where did my baby go???

Leo1stBday (5)Leo1stBday (1)

Leo1stBday (3) Leo1stBday (4)

I threw the kids a nice birthday party to celebrate Leo’s milestone 1st Birthday and Lily’s 4th Birthday!  I baked vanilla, pistachio, chocolate, and orange blossom macarons, bavarian cream fruit custard, and Haupia cupcakes with a coconut filling.  I also made a nice big 3 tier display cake in the theme of the book Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.  I hired a very talented balloon artist and face painter, and Khoa’s coworker, Vinh, generously set up a photobooth for us as well.  I got catering from Newport Rib Company and had a lot of yummy BBQ as well.  It was a very fun party and this 1st birthday means so much to me. For more pictures of Leo and Lily’s Birthday celebrations, click HERE!

Leo1stBday (2)Happy 1st Birthday my dearest prince Leo.  You are such an amazing little inspiration.  There was a time when I thought I wouldn’t even be able to hold him in my arms, to see his beautiful smile, or hear his sweet laugh. Yet here we are, it’s been a crazy long journey, from the moment you existed, and now, we celebrate you. My little prince Leo, you are such an amazing little fighter, inspiration, and miracle.  I look at your sweet face, your cute sweet smile, and your innocent pure eyes, and I just can’t help get emotional and overwhelmed with feelings of love and gratitude.  I love how I can just hold your hand, with your tiny fingers wrapped around mine, and you just feel safe and at ease with me.  You feel like home and the ultimate sensation of comfort when you are in my arms, and I never want to let you go (except maybe when I have to pee…).  I can stare at you  explore this world of all it’s wonders, and listen to your sweet little voice all day!  You are truly the definition of hope.  You are beating all the odds, and I can’t wait to see what adventures we will continue to go on together. Keep shining bright, keep fighting, keep being my ray of hope. I love you to pieces Leo!

Check out some of Leo’s adventure from his first year of life along with his first haircut experience!

Happy 11 Months Leo!


Leo 11 Months


Leo 47 Wks


Leo 46 Wks

Happy 11 Months old Leo!  I can’t believe this is your last month before you turn 1 years old!  Leo weighs in at 19.2lbs and stretches about 29 inches long!  He is still such a happy mellow calm baby, and is always a joy to be around.  Earlier Leo had a really bad stuffy and runny nose that lasted a little over a week, so that was really rough on him (and me), but he managed to stay in good spirits most of the time though.  The only time he was really showing any misery was when he would try to drink his bottle and his nose would be so stuff he couldn’t breathe, and then throw up all his milk a couple times too, so he would cry pretty hard, poor baby =(.  I’m glad he’s all better now and and breathe a-ok!  Leo really likes to look at himself in the mirror and always has a big smile on his face when he sees the handsome little guy smiling back at him.  Leo is still a very good sleeper and takes to take a couple long naps a day and then do a good 12-14 hour stretch of sleep at night!  Good job Leo!!


Leo 45 Wks


Leo 48 Wks

He likes to roll all over the place and kick his feet like crazy.  He really wants to move around, and I feel like he really wants to crawl, it’s just a matter of getting his core muscles and arm muscle tones strong enough so he can do it.  Practice practice practice.  Leo still hasn’t made much progress in terms of eating solids, but he’s getting more use to the zvibe tool.  Hopefully his mouth muscles will loosen up and as his core muscle strengthens, hopefully everything else will fall into place.  For now, I’ve been trying to feed him homemade pureed pees and black beans, but so far he still pushes the food out and doesn’t eat.  We just have to keep on working at it.  Also, his physical therapist suggests we get Leo to do a brain scan, so see if there’s anything going on neurologically that’s preventing him from achieving certain gross motor skills.  He tends to hyper extend his arms and extend them backwards rather than pulling his arms forward for balance.  She thinks it could be neurological, so I’m going to set up an appointment to get him scanned just to make sure.  This worries me of course, but it’s better safe than sorry, and better to know more so we can prepare and work with what we know.  Overall though, Leo is improving on his sitting, he’s able to sit tripod style for about 5 minutes on his own now.  His side sitting is getting better too and I can let go for maybe 15-30 seconds or so before he starts to tip over.  He is babbling a lot more and says “mmm” a lot, I’m pretty sure he’s trying to say “mama” =).   The physical therapist also tried some musical therapy to help him concentrate during therapy.  Sometimes he’ll try to resist and fight her, and so she played some therapeutic rhythmic drumming music, and it instantly calmed him  down, and he was able to do the task at hand, and even sit up on a box all by himself for about a minute!!  Plus, doesn’t he look so cute with those headphones?  So now I will add 30 minutes of rhythmic music to his daily therapy, it’s suppose to help the brain develop too.  Overall, he is making baby step progresses, which is also good.  The therapist said, once he learns a skill, he can’t regress, so it’s just a constant forward moving action, so that’s very encourage.  Keep it up my little prince, mommy is so proud of you!!  I love you to pieces!!

LeoHeadphones (1)LeoHeadphones (2) LeoHeadphones (3)


Lily doing Private Penguin Pose


Lily chopping apples for salad

Lily is so wonderful, spunky, sassy, smart, funny, and amazing.  She continues to shower her baby brother with love and attention and likes to keep an eye on him for me when I need to shower or do things around the house.  She is also my little sous chef, and loves to help me chop whisk and prep for dinner.  She really likes to go shopping now and would always pick something out for me and then look for something for herself.  She is a addicted to candy, she has a major sweets tooth, got that in her blood from her mommy…haha.  She really likes to eat fish, shrimp, cheese, bread, eggs, tofu, noodles, broccoli, peas, string beans, carrots, and steak!  She loves to snack on potato chips, cheesy popcorn (Pirate’s Booty), and peanuts.  Lily also went to the dentist this past weekend and actually let the dentist count and check her teeth for the first time, and she did so well!  When he asked her to open her mouth bigger, she listened and did it, so good Lily!  No tears or anything!  She has 10 teeth on top and 10 teeth on the bottom, and he said they all look straight and good!  Woohoo, good job Lily!  Amazing too since she eats sooo much candy!  Lily loves to help me water the plants and plant succulents in my balcony garden, and she also likes to help Leo read books.  She even grabbed his hand to help him feel the textures on the pages and help him turn the page all on her own too, because she sees me doing it, so she does it now too.  It’s so sweet and heart warming to see her do those things!  I’m so proud of you Lily, I love you soooo much!  You light up my life, I cannot be more lucky to have you at my baby girl!!


Trying on hats at the mall


Lily makes all sorts of chocolates!


Lily helping Leo feel the textures on the book.


Lily with her best friend Zoey putting soil into reusable k-cups at school!

Check out some videos of Leo!

Happy 10 Months Leo!


Leo 10 Months

LeoBookHappy 10 Months my petit prince Leo!  Leo now weighs about 18bs, and stretches about 29 inches long!  Leo had his follow up check with his urologist a few weeks ago and overall everything looks good.  He said to massage the two incision spots on his belly 30 second rotations each way every time he gets a diaper change and the scar should go away!  He has to come back in a year for another follow up, so hopefully everything stay good and healthy.  Leo is starting to play with his toes more now and he loves to roll all over the place.  He is holding onto his toys a little longer and really likes to play with crinkly texture toys.  His top two teeth are very visible now so his teeth count is at a whopping 4!  He’s starting to drool more now because of all his teething.  When Leo starts to suck his thumb, that’s a sign that he’s getting tired and sleepy, it’s really cute!  He’ll rub his eyes and them use his arm to cover his eyes and fall asleep that way.  He is being more vocal now too and making lots of different noises.  He likes to blow raspberries now and is beginning to lick things and slowly put things in his mouth, mostly his bibs.  Leo also really enjoys books and on a few occasions he was even able to turn the page all by himself!  He is very curious and loves to observe his surrounds.  Leo has a sweet gaze and will entrance with his beautiful eyes and sweet little smile.  Big sister Lily is still the best at making him laugh, but he is always so happy and smiling, he is literally a bundle of joy!


Leo 34 Weeks


Leo Easter 2016


Leo 41 Weeks


Leo’s 1st St Patrick’s Day

Leo had his 6 month assessment from the infant education program a few weeks ago.  I was actually a little surprised by how delayed he was in a lot of areas, I thought he was just a little bit behind in some gross motor skills but I didn’t realize he was delayed in other areas as well.  The assessment stated that Leo’s delays are attributed to a couple neuromotor factors such as low tone and decreased strength.  It was reccommended that his schedule gets changed to 3 hours of therapy a week instead of 1 hour a week, where it’s 1 hour for PT, 1 hour for OT, and 1 hour with his infant educator.  The Regional Center decided to go with 2 hours of therapy, 1 hour PT and 1 hour OT and forego the infant educator for now.  When I first saw the results to Leo’s assessment, I was surprised by the numbers and felt bummed, scared and worried for my Leo.  I think it’s a normal reaction, since I don’t want Leo be too delayed, if at all, but after some time to process all the information, and understand the questions and tests that were involved in order to do the assessment in the first place, I wasn’t as worried anymore.  I can’t get caught up in the statistics and numbers, I have to look at what’s right in front of me, and look at this from a different perspective.  Leo isn’t struggling, yes he is delayed, but he isn’t struggling, he is healthy, and most of all, he is happy.  Leo has his own journey that he is living and he is living it wonderfully.  He will crawl, stand, and walk, when the time is right for him; he will talk and eat when he is ready to do so, and he will continue to grow and develop the best he can, and that’s all I can ask and be grateful for.   Leo is my little miracle, and every day with him, every moment, every milestone, is more than a dream come true.  I want the very best for him, but he is already the very best son for me!



Leo with PT Kerry

Leo started his first Physical Therapy session with his new therapist Kerry on Monday. I really like Kerry, she has a lot more activities and exercises that we can do with Leo at target and strengthen his core muscles.  She really put Leo to work and he didn’t really like it, poor baby, and even started to cry!  Leo hardly ever cries so it was really sad but funny and cute to see at the same time.  His bottom lip in his pout is just way too cute, I couldn’t resist and have to show you all haha.  It’s all good for him though, so he will thank her later!!  It was a very helpful first session and I feel like as long as Leo keeps at it, he will probably make a lot of progress real faster!  Kerry was very motivated as well to get Leo to reach his milestone goals, so that was very encouraging to see.  Behind those tears and pouty face, I think Leo really liked Kerry though because right off the bat he impressed us all by sitting unassisted for what probably felt like 2 minutes!!


Leo chilling side sitting style

Normally he’s done maybe 30 seconds or less because he would get so excited and want to move around and he’ll lose his balance, but in front of Kerry, he just sat so stable and straight, it was amazing!!  You are still doing really great Leo.  Don’t let numbers and statistics dictate what you are capable of.  You will push boundaries and achieve great goals for yourself, and you can do anything you put your mind to.  I have faith in you my little Leo, you already make me so proud, and I know you will always be my beacon of hope and my bright light!  I love you so much Leo!!

LeoDoesntLikePT LeoPout


“I’d rather lay like this than practice sitting.” – Leo

LeoOTChristineLeo had his first occupational therapy session today with his new therapist Christine.  She was really nice and really good with Leo.  We didn’t deal too much with feeding today, more of just physical therapy so that Leo can build a relationship and trust with her.  While playing through therapy, she’ll occasionally touch his mouth and face to get him to get use to her touching his mouth, so later when she works with loosening his mouth and cheek muscles, he won’t be too closed off to it.  She said later one when he does start to eat, to let him be messy and explore his food, let him feel the texture with his hands, smell the aroma, point out all the different colors in his food, and then let him taste it and really exaggerate how good it taste.  It’s all part of the experience of eating and she said to make the process fun for him.  She seems very knowledgeable and I feel like Leo is in great hands!!

Also, Lily is so wonderfully amazing.  Lily had her Children’s Night at LePort recently and once again I’m also so blown away by all that she can do.  I’m very impressed with her beginning writing skills, her starting to sound out letters and trace in cursive, her dexterity with level of focus and concentration with her work too.  It’s really great to see her so confident in the classroom and excited and happy to do her work and show off her skills.  I’m so proud of her in every way, I can’t believe that beautiful smart silly funny little baby girl is all mine.  Lily also had a field trip to the Discovery Science Center and I think one of her favorite part about field trips is being able to ride the school bus.  Every time she sees one she gets super excited!  I got to go with her on her field trip and it’s very nice how empty it was and it felt private and so Lily didn’t really have to wait to do anything she wanted, she got to roam free and do whatever her mind was curious about.  Her favorite was this recycle game that they had on the second floor, she must have spent half an hour there!  You can view pictures from her field trip to the Discovery Science Center HERE.  I love you so much my Lily pad!! Check out this video of Lily at her Children’s Night at LePort back in March.

LilySmoothieLilyWriting1Lily continues to be such an amazing big sister to Leo as well.  She’s still constantly so loving and caring towards Leo, always wanting to give him kisses and play with him and making him laugh, she’s still the best one at making him laugh.  He loves her so much too and every time he sees her he loves to just watch her and gives her the biggest smile.  Lily is always so happy and silly, she lights up my life.  She still likes to be very helpful and likes to do a lot of things herself.  She even helps me out with cooking now too, from cracking and stirring eggs, chopping fruits and veggies, to watering plants.  She’s my little sous chef, my little personal assistant, my partner in crime.   She really likes music and loves to sing and even makes requests to hear certain songs.  Whenever a song comes on the radio that she likes, she would ask me what song it is if she doesn’t know it, or tell me that she likes this one.  She also enjoys watching a lot of movies and shows on netflix, I recently took her to watch Zootopia and she loved it and watched it many times after that (handicam version at home haha).  She said she loves the song in it and would watch the music video over and over.  Lily also enjoys coloring and drawing, she’s very good at writing her name, and she likes to cut and glue paper, the Kiwi Crates are still a big hit with her!  I like them too since it’s a great way to have bonding activity time with her that’s also educational and fun.  Lily loves to play pretend food prep for me as well and play with little random knick knacks, stick them in her purse, take it out, and put it back in, and repeat haha.  She has a very big imagination, is very observant, smart, and intuitive.  I love you so much Lily, you are always making me proud and happy, I’m a very lucky mommy!!


Leo watches Lily go down the slide!


Lily & Leo Easter 2016


Lily Easter 2016


Lily 1st Day of Spring 2016


LIly St. Patrick’s Day 2016


Lily & Leo St. Patrick’s Day 2016

Time for some video fun of the kiddos, enjoy!

Happy 9 Months Leo!


Leo 9 Months

Happy 9 months to my Little Prince Leo!  Leo weighs in at 17.65 lbs (18% he’s growing!), stretches 29 inches (74% what a tall boy!), and head measures 18 inches (17%).  Leo was such a champ too and had 2 shots, and a finger prick.  He didn’t cry for the finger prick but of course he cried his eyes out for the shots, but quickly calmed down after a minute.  He didn’t get fussy afterwards and just slept and was so sweet and happy for the rest of the day, like no big deal.  Leo recently started to repeat actions with intention, and he is working really hard from switching objects from one hand to the other too!  I never really noticed those motor skills with Lily, but since Leo is doing all this therapy, I didn’t realize all the tiny little developments at a baby goes through!  I knew there was a lot but I never really thought about it until now.  Leo is getting stronger with his sitting, he still doesn’t sit by himself for too long, but he’s getting sturdier and trying to look around more and branching out to other movements while sitting as well.  He rolls all over the place and loves to kick and is putting more pressure on his legs now too.  Leo babbles a lot now and is making more different sounds, and he is laughing much more now too.  Lily is the best at making him laugh, and she enjoys doing it as well!  Leo got 2 medication prescribed for his eczema on his legs, one is a normal cream and the other is for infections and boy do they work!  Where was this months ago?  It worked so much better than aquaphor, cheaper too, and his skin is almost back to it’s baby soft skin that he had back at the hospital!

Leo still isn’t taking solids, so we are waiting to hear back from the regional center about his new therapy schedule.  His PT said he has a 43% delay on gross motor skills and wants recommends 1-2 hours of therapy a week, his OT recommended 1 hr of therapy a week, and his teacher recommended 1 hr of therapy as well.  Obviously 4 hours of therapy a week is a lot for a baby so they are trying to figure out what would be the best schedule for him.  No matter what, Leo is still making lots of progress.  His tummy time is looking so much stronger each week and he is developing, at his own pace.  Dr Wang said that his motor skills and muscle tone is like of a 5 month old, so maybe in a month, he will automatically take solids and make development wise it’s too early for him.  That’s what I’m hoping for… Overall though, Leo is a a super happy and healthy baby.  He is so mellow, calm, and playful, he is the other sunshine of my life, the first being Lily of course =).  Leo already has 2 teeth on the bottom of his jaw, now he has another tooth that’s trying to make it’s debut on the top jaw!  Exciting!  Hopefully he will start to put those chompers to good use soon, because who wouldn’t love to eat food??  Happy 9 months my little prince Leo, keep up all your hard work, and keep being your happy sweet self!


Leo Mastering Tummy Time


Leo’s first Valentine’s Day


Leo 37 Weeks


Leo 38 Weeks

Lily is so amazing.  Her vocabulary is constantly growing, she uses words like “actually”, “probably”, “recognize”, and “disgusting” haha, etc.  Her language is so strong, she speaks in full on complete sentences and lately she likes to start off all her thoughts with “you know…” haha.  She is so observant and intuitive, she is super smart and thoughtful too.  She’s very polite and loves to be helpful, not just at home, but at school and when we are out too.  She likes to dress up and pick out her outfits for the day.  She likes to wear jewelry and accessorize.  She likes to carry a purse and bring her toys with her everywhere she goes, and share with everyone.  Lily is expanding her food palette now too, she really likes broccoli, avocado, and Brussels sprouts!  She is eating more meat too and sometimes will be hesitant at first but will eventually try new foods too.  I’m glad she’s being more open and adventurous with not just her foods, but with daily activities too.  She likes to jump of curbs and over ground cracks, she likes to point out the colors in the sky and point at school buses and motorcycles that zoom by.  She constantly talks about how when it’s her birthday, she will be 4 and then 5 haha.  She also is no longer drinking pediasure and graduated (finally) to whole milk, but with some chocolate syrup added…it’s still a huge milestone for her.  She continues to love her baby Leo and loves watching him, making him laugh, and giving him kisses!  I’m so proud of my princess Lily pad, keep on smiling and being your unique amazing self!!


Lily Valentine’s Day 2016


Lily’s Rainbow Coloring


Jumping though hoops


Where else would a princess eat her goldfishes?


Silly Lily

Here are some video fun of the kiddoes!

Happy 8 Months Leo!


Leo 8 Months Old

LeoSleepingThumbLeoGrumpyFaceHappy 8 Months Leo! Leo is about 16.8lbs and stretches about 27 inches long!  He still drink a little over 5 ounces (165cc) at each feeding, 4 times a day, and is still sleeping very well through the night (about 12-14 hours straight!)  Leo likes to babble a lot, most ba ba and on three very distinct occasions, he said mama!  He will also say “ma” a lot too along with other sounds.  He is finally reaching for his toes and is getting better at sitting by himself but he still needs assistance or else he’ll topple over after a few minutes.  He is recovering very nicely since his surgery has well, he still has some stitches but it will go away soon.  He likes to suck his thumb a lot now, probably due to teething.  He has two very prominent teeth on the bottom but more will probably start peeping out soon since he is starting to drool more now too!


Leo w/Occupational Therapist Jan

Leo still hasn’t been taking solids very well, so he had a consultation with an occupational therapist, Jan, to help work with his feeding.  I’ve been trying to give him puréed squash, but she suggested maybe trying peach or maybe something a little bit citrusy or cold even to wake up his taste buds so he knows that food is in his mouth, rather than something more subtle and luke warm.  She also said his cheeks are very tight so we will have to go back to massaging his cheeks and mouth as well.  Overall though, Leo is growing each day and is constantly making progress, slowly but surely!  He is also starting to kick a lot more and rolls around all over the place now too!  Some times it looks like he wants to crawl as well but doesn’t know how to quite get to his planned destination yet.  He is better at holding onto a toy and shaking it up and down to play with it as well!  He is getting sturdier and his neck is getting much stronger too.


Leo 32 Weeks Old


Leo 33 Weeks 2 Days Old


Leo 33 Weeks 4 Days Old

Chúc Mừng Năm Mới!  Happy year of the Monkey!  Lily loves wearing her áo dài and Leo looks so handsome in his blue outfit as well!  Lily is getting much more cooperative when it comes to me taking pictures now!  Also, check out Lily getting pampered for her photoshoot (which she ended up not taking a picture for but still got paid! haha) for MGA Little Tikes HERE!  She’s very into girly stuff these days, so this was a nice day for her!  However this will be the last time she’ll be working for now, we will give her a break until she’s not as camera shy around strangers.  Back to the Lunar New year though, Leo got to celebrate his first tết and he sure can back with lots of lucky li xi!  Lily thinks all the money is suppose to go straight to her piggy bank and when my dad asked her what he will do with all her money, she says “nothing!  You put it in your piggy bank!!”  I trained her well hehe.  Lily and Leo are always so happy and wonderful.  Lily talks so much and is so brilliant and smart, she never cease to amaze me.  Leo is so mellow and happy, he is truly a gift that keeps on giving.  With this new year, I hope it brings new fun adventures, I hope it allows me to embrace change and hardships with confidence, and mostly, I hope it brings lots of love and happiness.  I am still very sad that Luna is no longer with us, but it just further strengthens my life philosophy; Life is too short and precious, live your life how you want like how you want it to be, be the person you want to be, and always love and treat the people that mean most to you like there’s no tomorrow.  You can see more pictures from our Tết festivities HERE.





Here’s some video fun of the kiddoes:

My Beloved Luna


Luna’s 8th Birthday

1909797_570355366136_7167_nOn January 9, 2016, we lost our precious doggie Luna. She wasn’t just a dog to us, she was our first addition to our family. She was one of us, and buried herself deep into our hearts.  Luna’s been losing a lot of weight for the past month or so and we didn’t know why, but she was still her happy peppy self. Earlier this week I noticed she didn’t seem to be as happy, and would have moments where she would just throw up and sleep a lot. She would have periods where she’s very energetic but something seemed off, and I felt like she wasn’t ok. On Friday, I noticed her having trouble walking and she wouldn’t eat her food so Khoa took her to the Cottage Pet Hospital right down the street where they kept her overnight with an iv and they did blood work. Saturday morning, they told us that she had kidney failure and it’s been slowly degenerating. The vet said that we couldn’t really have known unless we did constant lab work to monitor her levels, but we wouldn’t have known to do that anyways so they said it’s just unfortunate. They think it’s probably hereditary. Her outlook didn’t look hopeful and she would maybe have about 1 wk left at best…

46949_10100173497596246_6400177_nLuna couldn’t even walk anymore and wouldn’t eat anymore too. She was crashing fast and so we had to make a very hard decision. There was the option of a kidney transplant but the chances of even get a kidney and having it even work and keep her healthy long term was very low. We didn’t want her to suffer anymore and so we painfully decided to let her go peacefully and painlessly. We got to be with Luna for a bit to have our last moments with her, it was very bitter sweet. Lily didn’t quite understand what was going on so she wasn’t really sad. I don’t think she understood that this was a permanent goodbye. She didn pet Luna and took a picture for the last time with Luna and gave her a kiss. She’s really sweet though and sees me crying and being sad, so she would come over and just give me kisses, doesn’t even say anything, but just gives me kisses to make me feel better.  It sometimes hurt more though when she does try to help by telling me “Don’t worry mommy, Luna will get better and be like woof woof woof!”  So that’s how I know she doesn’t understand that Luna’s not coming back, but it’s very sweet that Lily tries to comfort me.  Leo got to give Luna one last hug as well. Khoa and I had our moments with Luna and then Khoa took the kids to the car. 189685_10100317543956186_5292025_nI stayed with Luna and held her paw, and she looked at me with her innocent eyes while I happened. It was so heartbreaking to watch, but I didn’t look away from her eyes. I wanted her to know that I’m with her all the way to the end, and wanted her to take me with her into her dreams. I couldn’t fight back the tears though, I’ll never forget the scene. Just like that, in a couple minutes, she was gone, to a much better place where she can be free and happy. I imagine doggie heaven is the same heaven that people would go to, so I know Luna is now with my angels, and together they will take good care of each other.

185174_10101483822853926_104122595_nLuna was only a little over 8 years old, she only lived half the potential life span of a Maltese. I knew we would have to say goodbye one day, but I didn’t know it would have been this soon. It was so sudden and shocking, it just happened so fast and came out of nowhere. She was taken too soon from us, but I hope that the time she did have with us, was filled with everything she could ever want. She was our first “baby”, our furbaby, and we loved her dearly even though she was somewhat neglected once lily and Leo came, she was still loved and will be missed greatly. You truly don’t know how much you loved something until it’s gone, because man does it hurt, I really really love her.  She was very spunky and quirky, always so happy and in your face  with all her love.  She was an automatic vacuum whenever food fell to the ground (safe food that is) and I’ll miss her weird taste for cucumbers.  I’ll miss her annoying barking every time someone’s at the door or walks by the house, it’s so painful now when the doorbell rings and it’s just silence, I can’t help but break down into tears each time. We adapted our lifestyle to accommodate her, like closing doors to bathrooms so that she can’t get into the trash, and now… That’s not necessary anymore. I walk into the house and there’s no cute little white fur all to say hello to and greet me first thing when I open the door. My couch cuddle buddy is no longer hear to warm up my feet or my side, or be used as a pillow. She can be “special” at times but she was always so cute. IMG_3267I’ll miss all the wet puddles she makes on the floor from her dunking her whole face into her water bowl to drink water, and I’ll miss hearing the jingle of her name tag in her collar as she shakes her body and moves about, and I’ll miss tripping over her cause she’s always precariously walking right behind me. I’ll miss hearing the loud crunch of her chewing of her food and I’ll miss her hearing her let out a big sigh when she’s sleeping and dreaming. I’ll miss her big goofy smile with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth, her enthusiastic tail wag when I compliment her and give her treats. She was a pretty fast learning at tricks too, my favorite is shaking her hand, her cute little paw. She loves being petted and would push her head under your hand so that you’d pet her. She’ll lay her sweet head on your lap and soak in all your love. She was a big trooper for all the silly Halloween costumes I would get for her, and she was spiked by all the raincoats and sweaters and scarves that I got for her as well.
LunaShe was a very sweet and loving doggie, and even when she misbehaves and we get mad at her, we can’t stay mad for long because how can you stay mad at such a cute loving pup. She loved us all unconditionally, and she was so loyal and truly is my furry best friend. She would follow me everywhere, even to the bathroom and would lay right by the shower everyday while I shower. She would comfort me at good times and bad and she was always there whenever I needed a hug. She touched everyone’s heart, not just mine, and I know she will be greatly missed by all. I’m terribly devastated and sad, the heartache is way more painful than I expected. I suppose that’s good because that just shows how much she was truly loved. We love her so much. She’s in a better place now, so for that we are happy.  If anyone would like to share their pictures with Luna, feel free to add it to our album HERE (click on “edit”, then “add to album”).

Photo Sep 20, 8 56 42 PMYou don’t ever really think about this day when wanting and deciding to get a pet, even though we all knew that we will face this day one day, but now that this day has come, the heartache and pain from this loss makes me want to never have a dog again.  That being said, I don’t regret my decision of having a pet, because Luna enriched my life more than I knew.  She taught me how to care for another living being, to have responsibility and selflessness.  She was always there for me and comforted me and kept me company whenever I needed her.  She loved us and gave us the gift of countless fond memories.  She was mine since 2 months old.  I’m blessed to have her in my life for as long as we could, and I will cherish the memories.  Everyone should all give their furry friends a giant hug and kiss every moment they get, because you never know if that moment will be the last. I miss you so much Luna. One day we will all be together again, until then, my angels will take good care of you. I love you Luna, so so much.


Rest in peace my precious Luna
September 20, 2007 – January 9, 2016

Happy 7 Months Leo!


Happy 7 months old my precious Leo!  Leo weighs in at 16.15 pounds (11 percentile) and stretches about 26.5 inches long (20 percentile)!  Leo is still wearing size 2 diapers but will soon move on up to size 3 probably in a couple weeks, and he has also been upgraded to the size 3 nipple flow!  Leo is babbling a lot more these days too, he likes to say “aba baba aaaaaa ummm” haha.  He’s very social and likes interacting with us and if you walk away and he’s not done playing with you yet, he’ll say “AHHHH!!” and pout and tell you don’t go and to come back!”  How can you leave that cute little face?  He also has 2 cute little baby teeth growing on the bottom and he’s starting to drool more due to teething.  He’s also sucking on his thumb a lot too because of it, and he makes it look so tasty!  Leo still love the floor gym and he recently started playing in the jumper as well.  He seems to like it and doesn’t mind staying in it for a long period of time, which is great for his neck strength and seeing the world in an upright position.  We plan to start Leo on solids now so stay tune for that update!

Leo’s old teacher from Sunny Days got a new job opportunity somewhere else, so we are sad to see her go, but we got a new teacher Megan!  Leo is doing really well with his therapy but will also be getting some extra help with a physical therapist to help with some gross motor skills soon.  Leo is really good at rolling over without getting stuck, and he can roll back onto his side too.  It looks like he wants to start crawling soon too cause he’ll kick his feet and reach for toys in front of him, it’s really cute!  Leo is getting pretty solid at sitting up and can last for a few mins now before tipping over!  He is also holding onto his toys a little longer too and shakes his toys a little bit!  It’s very amazing to watch him grow and progress.  I’m always amazed by him and by my Lily pad, they never stop surprising me!



Two years ago on January 4th, another baby of ours went to heaven. I try my best to live a happy and love filled life for my angels. Leo does not replace what we’ve lost, but he is proof that there is hope and that miracles do happen for he is my rainbow baby. So even though I mourn for my other babies, my heart is full. (30 wks 1 day old) 😍💙🌈✨

Merry Christmas!  Leo got to celebrate his first Christmas and he was spoiled with lots of love and gifts!  It wasn’t Lily’s first Christmas but I do feel like she enjoyed this Christmas the most, which makes sense since she knows a lot more now and what to expect.  One of Lily’s favorite presents this year was the power wheel that I got her, you can see her driving it in the video below like a pro!  She’s such a fast learner, I’m so proud of her skills!  Leo didn’t know how to open presents yet but he love watching all the festivities and was adored by everyone!  I can’t help but get emotional that we got to celebrate the holidays with Leo this year because just a year ago, we were told that this would be impossible.  I’m so grateful for my amazing Leo and I feel so blessed and lucky to be able to celebrate all these big and small occasions with my prince Leo (and my princess Lily).  You can see more pictures from our Christmas festivities HERE!

LilyChristmas2015 (1) LilyChristmas2015 (5) LilyChristmas2015 (4) LilyChristmas2015 (3) LilyChristmas2015 (2) LilyLeoChristmas2015 LeoChristmas2015 (1) LeoChristmas2015 (2)

Happy New Year 2016!

LeoNewYear2016 LilyNewYear2016

Video Fun!!

Happy 6 Months Leo!


Leo 6 Months

LeoCuteToesHappy 6 Month my petite prince Leo!  Leo weighs 14lbs 8 ounces, stretches 26 inches long, and has a 16 inch head circumference.  He is now 5 percentile in weight but about 60% in height!  What a tall boy!!  He totally just stretched out this last month!  Leo also was a champ when he took an oral immunization and 3 shots to his thighs.  He only cried for a few seconds and then stopped quickly after.  He didn’t get a fever and was very chill, mellow and happy for the rest of the day, and slept a lot.  Leo’s neck is getting stronger and more stable each day, and he’s able to sit unsupported for a few seconds too, maybe a minute long at most before he starts to tip over haha.  He likes to roll over a lot now, back to belly, and doesn’t get stuck anymore, and he likes to kick his feet a lot like he’s trying to crawl!!  Leo has also been off his medication for a few weeks now, and maybe threw up a couple time since.  Leo has an appointment next week to meet with a urologist and he will then have an ultrasound to check out the progress of his southern areas, and if there still isn’t much progress, he will most likely have to do surgery.  I don’t know anything really about the details of the surgery, but I know he will get through it like a champ.

LeoSittingHis teacher from Sunny Days feels like he’s still a little bit “behind” in terms of his gross motor skills, so she recommended a physical therapist who would be more specialized and help Leo with certain things that he needs help with.  His neck strength is improving but not fast enough, so that’s mostly what he needs to work on.  Overall though, I feel like due to his diagnosis, we are just more aware and have the advantage of having all these resources and aids for Leo, so this allows us to give him the best care and attention he can possibly have.  Many without this diagnosis could be behind in certain develop and be perfectly “normal”, every child develops at their own rate, it’s not a contest, so I don’t view these “delays” that Leo has as any fault of Leos or make him in any way “behind” in development.  Leo is simply developing at his own pace, and we are providing him with all the resources we can to give him the best possible chance of success. =)

LeoBattlewoundsBlueSteelLeo likes to coo a lot and he observes my mouth a lot and it looks like he tries to copy my mouth and repeat the sounds I make.  His focus is very good and he loves to smile and laugh too.  He is such a happy mellow baby, we are super blessed to have two mellow easy going kids!  Leo sleeps on average 12-14 hours through the night, eats 4 times a day 155cc each time, and usually puts himself to sleep when he’s tired too.  He loves music and is a social butterfly.  So if you quietly approach him and let him take you in, you’ll give you a sweet warm smile!  He is so amazing and I still count my lucky stars at how incredible he is.  I’m so proud of you my little prince Leo, happy 6 months son, keep reaching for the stars!

LeoThanksgiving2015 Leo24Weeks Leo23Weeks

LeoReindeer2015 LeoSizeTree

Check out this cute video of Leo!

LilyPickingTree2015Lily is also now 3.5 years old!!  Lily is constantly growing in her vocabulary and her growth and maturity in her cognitive skills and mannerisms always surpris and impress me.  She definitely says the darndest things but she’s also super sweet and thoughtful at the same time.  I cut my finger once and she told me a few days later while I was chopping and cooking dinner again, for me to be careful because she didn’t want my to cut my finger again.  She’s so sweet!  She is also very clever and sometimes too smart for her own good haha.  She’s constantly paying attention whether it looks like it or not, but she’s always alert.  The other day Khoa asked me if I wanted to go to the mall after we had lunch, and I said it depends on if Lily is sleepy and falls asleep on the ride home, and I looked behind me to check if Lily was sleeping and she lit up all wide eyed and said “Mommy I’m awake, I want to go shopping!” haha.  She is also still an amazing big sister to Leo and constantly wants to be around him and smother him with kisses.  She is very good at eating new foods and is eating everything we eat now.  It’s so convenient to not have to make her separate food that is “safe” knowing she’ll eat it, but instead, I don’t have to take that extra time to make her special food because now she will eat whatever we are eating!  It’s awesome!


Lily 3.5 Years Old

LilyChristmasTree2015Lily is super spunky and fun and always soooo happy.  She loves to sing and dance and do arts and crafts.  Starting in January, she will be continuing her soccer classes in her after school program, but she will also be starting Spanish!  She already picked up the word “adios” so I figured, lets expose her to Spanish and see how she does!  I hope she enjoys it!  She’s still doing some signing and I try to refresh her memory on some old signs in hopes that she would retain it and eventually communicate with Leo once he starts to pick up signing as well!  That’ll be exciting to see them communicate with each other soon!  Lily is also a very big little helper around the house.  She likes to dust and clean and whatever I’m doing, she wants to do too.  Lily is very into the girly things like wearing dresses, headbands and jewelry, but she also loves “boy toys” like cars and dinosaurs and light sabers!  We introduced her to Star Wars this past weekend and watched episode IV and V and she loves it and is also a huge fan of Yoda!  haha!  She currently is a huge candiholic yet loves carrots and apples and cuties as I guess it balances out? Overall she’s still such a very good kid and although she’ll have her moments, she’s still very good and well behaved and I feel so lucky everyday to have such an amazing little girl.  It’s never a dull moment with my precious Lily pad.  Her smile just lights up my heart, I love you Lily!!!!



Lily’s LePort 2015-2016 Yearbook Picture

Happy 4 Months Leo!

Happy 4 Months to me sweet little prince Leo! Leo weighs in at 11.25 pounds, stretches 23.5 inches, and head measures at 15.25 inches. He is still under 0 percentile but he is growing on his own curve and that’s the important thing. He is 5% in height so I’d say compare to his weight, he’s a tall boy! hehe.  Leo has been having some dry skin and it’s too even all around to be excema so his pediatrician feels it’s probably related to his tet18p, so he recommended putting Aquafor on it.  It really helped a lot and I think in a couple days his skin will go back to it’s super soft baby skin that everyone is so jealous over!  Leo also had his hearing diagnostics again last week and I am happy to report that his hearing is now normal!  He can now hear the low tones just fine and there’s just some remaining fluids in his ears.  They suggested him see an Ear Nose Throat doctor but his pediatrician says he’s still pretty small so lets just wait it out a little longer and see if it’ll drain naturally.


Leo 16 Weeks


Leo 17 Weeks

Leo has been doing well in his therapy sessions, he’s had 3 so far.  He is working on his motor skills and working on his reaching and grabbing skills.  He is also working on tummy time to strengthen his neck as well.  His therapist, Amy, said that development wise he is almost at the 4 month mark.  We just need to continue working with him with, but overall he is doing great!  He is cooing a lot more now compared to just a couple weeks ago!  His voice is super cute!!  Leo is very happy and calm and loves to play.  Amy said he is a very social baby and loves people, especially his mommy!  She said that I am his motivator and that he will always try to find me and see where I am, so I will be his toy and try to get him to look up at me during tummy time, and encourage him to push himself up to find me.  He has been doing really well in terms of movement though, he almost rolled over from back to tummy all by himself!  He is very good at rolling onto his side though.  He likes to sleep on his side since we put him on his side to help him digest and in case he throws up, so I think he prefers that now.  His feeding is improving a lot now too, he takes the bottle a lot quicker now and can finish it in about 20-30 mins now!  Once in awhile it’ll still take him almost an hour, but he’s doing so much better.  He occasionally throws up but now it’s down to maybe once a day instead of twice a day with some small spit ups in between.  I’m so happy that he’s overcoming so many obstacles that are put in front of him.  Leo is so amazing and strong, he is my inspiration!  I’m so proud of him!!


Leo 4 Months Old

Lily has been such an amazing and wonderful loving sister as well.  She always gives Leo kisses and has been doing really well with him being her new roomie too!!  Lily is so silly and has such a big beautiful personality, I just love her to pieces!!  Her current favorite shows on netflix and youtube are Octonauts, Masha and the Bear, Dragon Tales, and Peppa Pig.  She also recently discovered Handy Manny and My Little Pony too.  She loves strawberry and watermelon ice cream (aka frozen yogurt haha).  She has a ginormous sweet tooth, I think that’s mommy’s fault…hehe…, and she is so sweet, helpful, and loving.  She pretty much talks like a normal little person, it’s so amazing how big her vocabulary is.  Sometimes she articulates certain spots in words that makes her sound like she has an accent, it’s super cute!  Lily loves to cut and glue paper, paint, do lots of drawing and arts and crafts.  She loves playing with bubbles, balls, and tools.  She also likes books and reading stories out loud too.  She loves to wearing dresses (particularly the “beautiful one with all the colors” that I made for her, and head bands as well.  She is so bright and cheerful, her happiness just explodes from her little body.  I love you so much Lily, you’re my amazing little Lily pad!

SillyLily CoolLilySwimsuit

Enjoy some videos of the kiddos below!!

Happy 100 Days Leo!


Leo 100 Days

Happy 100 Days Leo!  Leo turned 100 days old last week on the 15th and now he is 15 weeks and a day old.  He weighs about 10.6 pounds.  He’s only gained 0.6 lbs in the past two weeks, very slow progress but I suppose that’s better than nothing.  He has also been having trouble keeping in his food and would throw up a couple times a day, but he’s really sweet and would just give you a smile to let you know he’s ok afterwards.  As long as he doesn’t go under 10 pounds, then he is fine.  Also, he’s been really constipated lately too due to the high calorie formula, so his doctor said 30ml of pedialyte a day should help!  We upped his food a couple days ago so now he should be taking in 105cc at each feeds, that’s about 3.5 ounces.  He smiles so much now, especially when I’m talking to him and playing with him.  He loves any kind of mobiles and would be entertained forever by a spinning or stationary mobile!  He’s very curious and alert and loves to observe everything and just take it all in.  He also started sleeping through the night last week, about 10-13 hours straight, and is doing great as Lily’s new roomie!  She was very excited when I asked her if it’s ok for Leo so sleep in her room and she said Yes and always gives him a kiss goodnight before she goes to bed!  She’s the sweetest big sister ever!  I’m so proud of her.



Leo 14 Weeks


Leo 15 Weeks

LeoTummyTimeLeo had his first Early Start therapy session today and he did really great!  His therapist, Amy, start to do some tummy time with him and he did the best tummy time so far!  His head was all the way up and help it for a few seconds several times!  She showed me a couple strategies to help support him and encourage him with tummy time so I’m excited to work with him more on that.  Also, she did some play time with some songs and tested his tracking as well.  She said he tends to tense up his toes and fingers, so she suggest we play with him and do some stretching and certain play activities that she showed me, to help him relax and loosen him up.  I feel like Leo will be in great hands with Amy and I can’t wait to work with her and Leo and watch him grow and develop into an amazing man.  He’s already doing so great, I’m so proud of him!


Leo with this therapist Amy.

Overall, it was a great first session.  It seems like he is pretty well on track for the most part.  He’s not cooeing as much as but his tummy time is getting there!  It was a little emotional personally for me to have the therapist work with Leo, not because Leo was delayed or anything like that, I just got emotional inside because life is just so crazy.  Even thought I’ve been through the first 3 years of motherhood with Lily, it’s like starting from scratch again with Leo.  I do feel more prepared in certain things but the session today just made me realize how much more I can do, there will always be more that I can do for both of them.  Sometimes I just feel helpless and lost and not knowing what else I can do to help Leo or not knowing that there are all these other things that I can do for him in general.  So having her expose me to all these little activities and exercises definitely gives me hope and so much more of an appreciation for her and the resources available to us.    Parenting will always be hard work, and I’m more than willing to put all my love and effort into giving them the best chance at a wonderful life.  I’m very excited to do whatever I can.  I think that’s the important thing, not just to have the desire but to have the motivation and drive to be a great parent.  The smile on my kids’ faces tells me I’m doing a wonderful job, and keeps me going.

Also, can’t forget about my sweet beautiful baby girl!  We took her to Billy Beez at the Anaheim Garden Walk this past weekend and she loved it!!  She was so excited before we even got there.  We played for about an hour and a half and there were still tons of things she didn’t get to play with yet.  She even passed by an area that had steering wheels and she goes “oh, I didn’t see that yet” haha, so cute!  She’s the joy of my life.  I love her to pieces!LilyBillyBeez

Happy 3 Months Leo!

Happy 3 Months my little prince Leo!  Leo weighs 10.05 pounds now (still under 0 percentile but he’s growing so that’s all that matters) and stretches 22.5 inches long (3 percentile)!  He is growing bigger and stronger each day and he developing into such a bright and happy boy!  Leo is starting to smile more now and is very alert and likes to look at his surroundings and just take it all in.  We are letting him sleep for a 5 hour stretch at night but we will start to let him sleep longer now that he’s gaining a decent amount of weight!  He feeds about every 4 hours, and takes about 95cc per feeding.  He still throws up now and then, especially when we increase his intake, and he takes about an hour to finish his bottle, but lately he’s starting to take maybe 45 mins!  Leo had his hearing diagnostics a couple weeks ago and for both ears, his high and mid tones are normal but he has trouble picking up the low tones.  He has more trouble in his left ear than in the right. LeoSmile1 The doctor thinks it could be due to fluids in his ears that prevents the ear drums from moving properly but they need to check to make sure it’s not nerve damage, and they couldn’t test him at the time since it needs to be super quiet for the test to take place and by the time it came to that portion of the test, he was already awake and feeding (to keep him from shaking the equipment off his head and ears) and the sucking of the bottle was too loud for the test.  So we will come back end of September to see if it’s due to nerve damage or if it’s just fluids.  If it is just fluids then eventually he will be able to hear low tone sounds but the fluids can come back.  If it’s nerve damage then it will be permanent and the low tone sounds will be very soft and hard for him to hear, but it’s not serious enough for him to need a hearing aid.  I think that’s pretty good outcomes!


Leo 10 Weeks Old


Leo 11 Weeks Old


Leo 12 Weeks Old (PC: Phong Truong)



3 Months Old

Check out these video clips of Leo during his tummy time, making silly faces, and some bonding time with his Ông Ngoại (grandpa)!

LeoSmile2Overall, Leo is doing so great and it makes me super happy!  Sometimes he does a vigorous head shake that’ll be on and off for 10-15 minutes, and after doing some research on the trusty internet (haha), I concluded that it could be due to blockage inside his ears and so it’s probably bothering him and he’s trying to get rid of the annoyance.  I would massage his ears when this happens and he actually calms down so I feel like that could be it.  He is so calm and mellow and happy, it just warms me heart to be with him.  I’ve also met with a case worker from the Regional Center of Orange County and she is setting Leo up with an in-home infant program for babies with special chromosomal needs.  A therapist will be coming once a week for an hour to work with Leo and make sure he’s developing on track.  If he is showing any signs of delays or needs help reaching his development goals, the therapist will work with him to get him to where he needs to be.  Also, if the therapist feels that Leo needs extra help from an occupational or physical therapist, then she will make that recommendation and get that set up for him as well.  This will be great for Leo regardless of delays or not because this will only help Leo become a healthy strong and smart individual!  Leo also went on his first family vacation to San Diego and got to go to the beach and watch his first sunset and he loved it!

Also, Lily is such an amazing big sister to him.  So far, she hasn’t shown any signs of jealousy!  I try to be very conscious about how I treat her when Leo is around and even when other people are interacting with Leo, I try to make sure to give Lily attention too so that she doesn’t feel like everyone is so focused on Leo that we forgot about her.  Whenever she comes home from school, she always asks where her baby Leo is or if she sees him she goes up to him and gives him a kiss!  She’s so super sweet!  She likes to hold him and always asks to feed him and say he’s hungry and needs his milk haha.  She likes to watch us change his diaper and would sit and watch him get a bath too!  She amazes me so much and I cannot be more proud of my precious Lily pad.

Lily also started the new school year at LePort a couple weeks ago.  She is really cute and wants to bring her baby Leo to school with her too, so I thought it would be cute to take this picture with Leo inside her backpack haha.  Lily also made a new friend at school, a new student named Zoey and her teacher Ms. April says they’re inseparable!  That’s really cute that she can make friends so easily.  She’s still such a happy and spunky little toddler.  She talks so much now and speaks in complete sentences, it’s like she’s a tiny person!  You can read some of the super cute and clever things she says HERE.  She understands everything I say and hears everything too.  She’s always paying attention so its harder to get things past her, she’s definitely a smart cookie!  She loves to draw, paint, color, and do all sorts of arts and crafts.  I feel like she’s definitely my mini me!  Haha!  She also likes to paint her nails, wear hair accessories, dresses (no pants!), and is very into sandals now since she sees us wearing them all the time.  She also still loves minions, she likes to play in her kitchen and make me a “special lunch”, play with play doh and now legos!  She also likes to play with her toy cars and guns as well!  So well rounded!  Her favorite shows are the moment are Masha and the Bear, Octonauts, Dragon Tales, How to Train a Dragon, Cinderella, Wreck it Ralph, and the Minions Movie!  She has moments where she’ll be very good at eating but then other moments where she hardly eats.  She’s so easily distracted at home but when we do go out, she tends to be better at eating, probably because there’s no toys to play with haha.  I love you my Lily pad, you are so wonderful and amazing, you light up my life!  Happy 3 months Leo, you are such an amazing little fighter, I love you so much!
Here’s a couple videos of Lily being a wonderful big sister burping her baby brother and then another video of her at Target, and then one of our fun at the pool together!

Happy 2 Months Leo!

Happy 2 Months to my sweet little prince Leo!  Leo is now 8.5 pounds and stretches 21 inches long!  He is still under 0 percentile in weight but is about average in height.  He’s doing a good job growing so it the percentage doesn’t really matter.  Last week has been having a hard time keeping down his food and has been throwing up and spitting up a lot so we took him in to see the doctor.  He said since Leo is growing, we need to up his medication dosage from 0.8ml to 1.0ml to keep up with his weight.  His stomach is also small and doesn’t stretch as easily so he can’t absorb his food fast enough to keep the high volumes of food.  This gives him little room for all the milk he needs to drink so he ends up spitting it up or pooping it out.  So instead of increasing his formula by 5cc’s every 5 days, we will just play it by ear and see how much he can handle without throwing it all up or pooping it right out. The doctor did notice that his actions are more like a 1 month old rather than a 2 month old and so he thinks his development is related to his size.  I’m not quite sure what that means in the long run, but the important thing is that he’s growing stronger each day!  He is still super chill and easy going, he hardly ever cries and isn’t fussy at all.  He likes to sleep all day and night and usually we have to wake him up to feed him.  He sometimes does like to stay awake for a little bit after feedings, and when he is awake, he is super alert and is attracted to light.  He also likes to follow my voice too!  He is such a sweet little baby!


2 Months Old

Last week, Kimberly from the Regional Center of Orange County, an Early Start Service Coordinator, came to assess Leo and to tell me about their infant program for kids with specials and developmental disabilities.  Normally she would have to check for eligibility but due to Leo’s diagnosis of Tetrasomy 18p, he automatically qualifies for the program and it’s all covered by the state too.  She told me about how the program would work and gave me some more resources and support group pamplets as well.  So in a couple weeks, Victoria, Leo’s new case manager, will be doing the in-home infant program with Leo, for an hour once a week.  She will meet with me and Leo and go over his Individual Family Service Plan  (IFSP) and put therapy services in place for Leo.  This is mainly to work with Leo to keep his developments on track and if he needs extra therapy then they will provide the help he needs.  So overall, I’m grateful that they have these programs and it will only help my little Leo to succeed!


8 Weeks Old


How wonderful would it be to see the world through your pure and innocent eyes.

These past 2 months have been a crazy emotional roller coaster but it makes me so proud and happy to see my little prince grow bigger and stronger each day.  I just have to mentally prepare myself that set backs happen and that they are only natural.  I just have to keep on having faith in my little man and cheer him on every step of the way.  He makes me so happy and I love him to pieces!  It also makes me super proud that his big sister Lily loves him so much.  Everyday she comes from and always asks where her “baby Leo” is and loves to watch and help whenever she can.  They are my world, they melt my heart.  Happy 2 months be littlest love!  Mommy loves you so much!