Happy 2 Months Leo!

Happy 2 Months to my sweet little prince Leo!  Leo is now 8.5 pounds and stretches 21 inches long!  He is still under 0 percentile in weight but is about average in height.  He’s doing a good job growing so it the percentage doesn’t really matter.  Last week has been having a hard time keeping down his food and has been throwing up and spitting up a lot so we took him in to see the doctor.  He said since Leo is growing, we need to up his medication dosage from 0.8ml to 1.0ml to keep up with his weight.  His stomach is also small and doesn’t stretch as easily so he can’t absorb his food fast enough to keep the high volumes of food.  This gives him little room for all the milk he needs to drink so he ends up spitting it up or pooping it out.  So instead of increasing his formula by 5cc’s every 5 days, we will just play it by ear and see how much he can handle without throwing it all up or pooping it right out. The doctor did notice that his actions are more like a 1 month old rather than a 2 month old and so he thinks his development is related to his size.  I’m not quite sure what that means in the long run, but the important thing is that he’s growing stronger each day!  He is still super chill and easy going, he hardly ever cries and isn’t fussy at all.  He likes to sleep all day and night and usually we have to wake him up to feed him.  He sometimes does like to stay awake for a little bit after feedings, and when he is awake, he is super alert and is attracted to light.  He also likes to follow my voice too!  He is such a sweet little baby!


2 Months Old

Last week, Kimberly from the Regional Center of Orange County, an Early Start Service Coordinator, came to assess Leo and to tell me about their infant program for kids with specials and developmental disabilities.  Normally she would have to check for eligibility but due to Leo’s diagnosis of Tetrasomy 18p, he automatically qualifies for the program and it’s all covered by the state too.  She told me about how the program would work and gave me some more resources and support group pamplets as well.  So in a couple weeks, Victoria, Leo’s new case manager, will be doing the in-home infant program with Leo, for an hour once a week.  She will meet with me and Leo and go over his Individual Family Service Plan  (IFSP) and put therapy services in place for Leo.  This is mainly to work with Leo to keep his developments on track and if he needs extra therapy then they will provide the help he needs.  So overall, I’m grateful that they have these programs and it will only help my little Leo to succeed!


8 Weeks Old


How wonderful would it be to see the world through your pure and innocent eyes.

These past 2 months have been a crazy emotional roller coaster but it makes me so proud and happy to see my little prince grow bigger and stronger each day.  I just have to mentally prepare myself that set backs happen and that they are only natural.  I just have to keep on having faith in my little man and cheer him on every step of the way.  He makes me so happy and I love him to pieces!  It also makes me super proud that his big sister Lily loves him so much.  Everyday she comes from and always asks where her “baby Leo” is and loves to watch and help whenever she can.  They are my world, they melt my heart.  Happy 2 months be littlest love!  Mommy loves you so much!

3 Responses to Happy 2 Months Leo!

  1. So proud of you Leo! I’m so glad as well that they have those programs to help Leo do his best! =)

  2. Di Hai says:

    Auntie Jennifer is so supportive. She’s always first to comment! 🙂

    Good job, Leo! You are too cute. I want to eat you up!

  3. Alejandra says:

    Hi! My name is Alejandra and my son is Fernando. He is 7 years old and has Tetrasomy18p and I love him to death. He is a very busy lillte man who loves music and water. He started walking at age 4, he receives all kind of therapists;speech, ocuupational and phisical..He also takes feeding therapy.

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