Happy 7th Birthday Lily!

Happy 7th birthday to my precious Lily pad!!  Lily weighs in at 41lbs (7 percentile) and stretches 46.76 inches tall (31 percentile)!  Leo is definitely catching up to her haha.  Due to Lily’s low percentile in weight, Dr Wang suggested she drinks pediasure at night before bedtime just to give her some extra calories.  We’ll see how that goes but overall it’s not too much of a concern since she’s always been on the low end of the curve, but the important thing is that she’s still growing on her curve.  Lily didn’t have to take any shots at her annual check up but will have to come back in November for the flu shot.  Despite her low weight, Lily has a huge appetite and will eat a ton, she just has a super fast metabolism and burns it all off.  She loves pasta and garlic noodles, she likes fish, pizza, cheese, tons of snacks and candy as well haha.  She’s also very good at eating veggies like broccoli and boy choy, carrots, ginger, spinach, and all kinds of fruits too like dragon fruit, oranges, raspberries, and cherries.  Thank goodness she’s not a picky eater, makes my job a lot easier haha!  Lily also passed her hearing test and has 20/20 vision as well!!  Good job Lily!

Lily loves to swim and even though her little floaty donut is her crutch, it still helps her feel confident to be in the water without assistance and swim across the pool and splash around and have fun.  She’ll still try to practice certain strokes and I’m hoping maybe by the end of this summer, she’ll use the floaty less and less and swim completely on her own!  Lily is definitely getting more brave as she gets older and is conquering her fear with heights by bouldering more and reaching to the top many times!  She likes to practice and keep pushing herself and challenging herself to reach the top.  She says she’s still scared but she has fun!  I’m so happy she doesn’t let fear hold her back and understand that scary things can still be fun!  I’m so proud of her!  Lily likes to be very active and has been practicing riding her two wheel scooter instead of the 3 wheel one.  She said it was hard but that she wants to keep practicing to get better at it!  Love the attitude Lily!  Hopefully by end of this summer she’ll learn to ride her bike without the training wheels too.  She hasn’t been on the bike much due to all the rainy weather but she does like to bike around a lot too.   So many activities, so little time!  haha.

Lily also has been taking piano lessons for over a year now and had her first piano concert at the Diamond Bar High School auditorium.  She did really great and didn’t get stage fright and didn’t mess up either!  She was so happy and had so much fun!  It makes me happy she gets so much enjoyment from it!  I told her not to worry about messing up, and to just have fun, mission accomplished!  At the end of 1st grade, Lily also got an award for Outstanding Achievement in Writing!  Way to go Lily!!  She continues to tell me how much she likes doing homework and how she likes to help all the students in her class too.  I would help out her teacher, Mrs. Penticoff, Friday mornings before work and she would always tell me how she’s never met any kid like Lily and how she’s just so sweet and caring.  She said that she will miss her a lot but hope to see her around on campus!  Lily has a summer writing journal that she can fill up and if she does, she’ll get to have a special lunch with Mrs. Penticoff, so Lily is working very hard on that on the weekends!  Lily’s favorite subject is math, but she loves doing all the arts and craft projects.  She’s very creative and even though some of her art work is out there…I’m just glad she has a very big imagination haha.  Embrace it Lily, it’s what makes you special!!!  Her favorite color is currently blue, she loves unicorns and her favorite shows are Talking Tom and Friends, Barbie Dreamhouse, Nailed It, Mako Mermaid, and lots of animated movies.  She also wants to donate her Give Jar to Leaps and Bounds Pediatric Therapy, Leo’s hippotherapy!  That is sooo amazingly sweet!  She said it’s so they can continue to help Leo because she loves leo so much!  Lily is so sweet and kind, I just feel so lucky to be her mommy.  She’s growing up so fast, I wish I can save every moment, but photos and videos and my human memory will just have to due for now until they invent some crazy thing that’ll make me never forget haha.  I love you so much Lily, Happy 7th Birthday my Lily pad!

Enjoy her birthday video below!!  She is such a bright ball of happiness!!  I can’t believe my precious Lily pad is 7 years old!! Time just flies by in a blink of an eye! I’m so proud to watch my Lily pad grow, but most of all, having fun doing so! She doesn’t let any set backs get her down, she just gets right back up and charges on with a big smile on her face! It warms my soul to see her live life with so much joy and happiness! I love you so much Lily, happy 7th birthday!!

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