Happy 2nd Birthday Leo!


Happy 2nd birthday to my amazing prince Leo!  Leo weighs in at 25 pounds (~11 percentile) and stretches 34 inches tall (~50 percentile)!  Leo is getting really good at pulling himself up to stand and is cruising a lot more and very easily now too!  He’s starting to imitate me more like when I blow raspberries, he will try to do the same.  He is making lots more sounds and it sounds like he tries to say “bottle” when it’s meal time too. Leo is getting stronger in his core and is able to keep his head up when he falls down so that he doesn’t smack his head into the ground, and he is crawling up the stairs and the couch now.  He’s trying to climb up almost everything so that’s good he’s learning to explore more and be curious.  A huge milestone that Leo is coming upon is that he is finally allowing the straw in his mouth for the first time!  I’ve tried many times in the past and he would just fight me and not let me put any milk in his mouth from the straw.  This is called Mr. Juice Bear that was created by therapists for children who have trouble learning to drink from straws.  You can find it HERE, and the best part is that it’s spill proof too!  The bear is soft and the straw is durable but soft as well, and you just squeeze the bear for the milk to come up so that Leo doesn’t have to suck it up.  Eventually, he will learn how to suck and I won’t need to squeeze the bottle for him anymore! This was a huge success and step forward for Leo!  He actually put the straw in his mouth and tried to get milk from it!  He doesn’t know how to suck up the milk yet, but simply having the straw in his mouth and drinking some milk from it is huge progress!!!  I’m so proud of you Leo!!!

Leo2ndPhotoBoothLeo also had his first plane ride when I took him and Lily to Oahu, Hawaii for vacation to celebrate their birthdays!  He was very restless on the flight there and only napped for about an hour, but on the flight home he did awesome and slept for about 3 hours and was calm the rest of the time.  He did great in hawaii and adjusted to the time difference just fine and loved all the sight seeing!  He also didn’t like the sand at first from the beach, he would hold his hands up in the air like “what is this I’m sitting on?!” but he eventually warmed up to it and even tried to lick the sand!  Haha!  He also got to pet a dolphin and went to his first luau too!  He’s already a little adventurer!  Let also got a shot at his 2 year old check up and cried from the shock of it but quickly settled down, he didn’t even flinch for the blood prick on his finger though, what a brave boy!  I realize I’m ending every sentence with an exclamation mark but I’m really that proud and happy for my little prince haha!  Leo is such a happy easy going little boy and he is developing and improving each day.  He has the brightest smile and I feel so blessed and lucky to be his mommy.  Happy 2nd birthday my baby boy, here’s to many more adventures to come!  I love you Leo!!

Click HERE are more photos from Lily and Leo’s Hawaiian vacation! Enjoy these videos of Leo!

3 Responses to Happy 2nd Birthday Leo!

  1. Kathy Nguyen says:

    I need to try that cup. Andrew tries to drink out of a normal cup and spills everything.

  2. Chi Hai says:

    This kid. <3

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