Happy 19 Months Leo!


leochristmas2017-1leochristmas2017-3Happy 19 months my little prince Leo!  Leo weighs in at 22.4 lbs and stretchs about 33 inches long.  Leo is now drinking about 6-7oz of Pediasure Grow and Gain with Fiber 4 times a day so he can gain more weight.  He is still taking his medications twice a day and taking a medication to help increase his appetite right before bed since it makes him drowsy.  He had his hearing test and he woke up when they tried to put the probes on his head so all they can find out is that both ear drums work, so that’s good, he just has to go back in April to see how much hearing he has.  He also had a speech evaluation and his speech and understanding skills are mostly at a 3-6 months and some 6-9 month old range, but since it closely matches his physical development, they’re not recommending speech therapy for now.  He has to come back for a follow up in 3-4 months, and if he is not showing any improvement, then he will probably need therapy.  Overall, he is still always a happy playful and cheerful personality.  He likes to play peek a boo and clap his hands, and he really likes interactive toys.  He is doing so much better at drinking from his bottle by himself.  He’ll drop the bottle sometimes and will need help near the end but he is doing so much better.  He can also sit up now all by himself, yay!!  He is crawling more and even pulled himself up to his knees in his crib too!  He is making great progress and I cannot be more proud of him!  He is still not eating solids, but he is starting to lick objects and discover the world through that sense and that is a huge milestone.  I’m hoping he will eat solids soon now that he’s ok with licking things, it’s a great sign!  Leo is also making lots of new sounds and loves to squeal with excitement, sometimes a little bit too loud…haha.  Leo also had his first trip to see the snow and had a lot of fun and was very curious about the snow too!  Happy 19 months old me sweet petite prince!  I love you so much!!

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lilychristmas2017-2lilychristmas2017-1Lily is always so silly, goofy, smart and sweet!  She loves to dance and watch music videos and listen to music.  She currently loves the movies Troll and Sing!  She can play those songs and videos on repeat all day long if she could haha.  She also is really enjoying karate more at school!  Lily’s appetite has been increasing too and loves to snack on strawberries, raspberries, and cookies.  She eats but then burns it all off so quick!  She really likes to sing more now too and I’m very impressed with how well she can memorize songs after hearing them a few times.  She likes a lot of modern songs on the radio but also school songs that she learns at school.  She gets really proud and excited to show me what she knows but she’ll get shy if put on the spot.  Lily is very into all sorts of toys right now, Shopkins, Num Noms, Legos, Princess Elena, shooting “alligators” (shooting nerf guns from upstairs down at imaginary alligators), and lots of arts and crafts.  She also is getting much better and faster at riding her tricycle and balance bike too!  Lily also had a blast in the mountains and loves sledding.  She wanted to go with my first just to get a feel for it again and then she was all on her own non stop!  She loves to get her nails painted and sometimes I’ll let her do it herself.  She likes to brush her own hair now too and brush mine and try to tie my hair as well.  She also loves watering plants in the garden still and cuttign some flowers to bring them inside to put in a little small vase that I have for her!  She really loves her teachers at school and a couple of them left to work at other schools.  She told me about it and told me that she’ll miss them a lot.  She’s so sweet!  She then told me she got new teachers and that she went up to them by herself to say hi and tell them her name, I’m so proud of her!  You’re my giant ball of sunshine my Lily pad, I love you to pieces!


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Here’s some video fun!

One Response to Happy 19 Months Leo!

  1. Jennifer says:

    I’m so proud of these two! Great job Leo for always progressing. Lily is such a sweetheart.

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