Daily Archives: December 20, 2016

Happy 18 Months Leo!


Happy 18 months Leo (sorry I’m so late on this post)!  Leo weighs 21lbs 8 ounces, stretches 2 ft 8 ins, and has a head circumference of 48cm.  Leo had an appoointment with his neurologist, Dr. Lily (good name!) Tran, and she ordered an EEG scan to see how susceptible he is to getting seizures and seeing if any of his delays are due to that rather than just muscle tone issues.  She said he has low muscle tone but it’s not AS bad as we think, she said she’s seen a lot worse.  She also stated that since he hasn’t started pointing at things, he is showing signs of autism but we won’t really know until he’s 3 years old.  Also, he’s not hugging or giving kisses yet so she feels there’s also social delays, so he just needs to have more therapy to work on those developments.  He will have a follow up in 8 months and once insurance gives me authorization for his EEG, he will do that.  So I just have to wait for insurance to get the authorization for it so that i can make the appointment for that.  He also had his hearing test and did various tests and he’ll pass in certain ears in certain tests and then fail in others and so overall it’s inconclusive, so he will have to retake the test in a couple months.  If they still can’t get conclusive results, then they’ll have to put him under to do a more accurate brain wave activity test for his hearing.  Leo also had his GI appointment and she prescribed him medication to help increase his appetite, taken before bed on Mondays-Friday with breaks on the weekends.  He also needs to increase his milk intake since he only gained half a pound in that last 3 months and she feels he needs to gain more weight.  She said that if he doesn’t start eating solids by his 2nd birthday, then he will need to do an upper endoscopy where a camera goes down his esophagus to rule out eosinophilic esophagitis, reflux esophagitis or gastritis.  She wants to make sure that his food allergies isn’t causing any irritation in his esophagus that might make him turn away from eating solids.  Overall, Leo is so happy and is growing beautiful.  He is army crawling a lot faster and I feel like he will full on crawl soon!  He is clapping his hands a lot now and likes to squeal a lot too!  He really likes interactive toys, but he also likes the tv remote control and my hair haha.  Despite all his hardships, Leo is so happy, I cannot feel more lucky and blessed.  Happy 18 months my petite prince Leo!!!!


Lily is a giant ball of sunshine!  She is so sweet and caring and super smart!  She has such a happy spirit and gets so excited about the little things, it melts my heart.  She is always so sweet and attentive to Leo, and understanding of him as well.  Lily is getting more excited about her Tajik karate classes and likes to demonstrate what she learns at school for me, and her gymnastics as well.  She likes to show me her punches and kicks and her tumbling skills!  I am also so proud of her at her LePort Christmas Show, where she actually sang most of the two songs!  She sang a snowman song and Jingle Bell Rock!  She told me Jingle Bell Rock is really hard but come the day of the show, she knew most of the words and sang proudly too!  I cannot be more proud of her!!  She is so artsy and crafty too.  I like seeing all her art projects that she does at school, and she’s getting pretty creative and more advance in her drawings too.  She’s going from rainbows and blobs to actual people and things now!  I can’t wait to spoil her this Christmas with so much holiday cheer!