Happy 11 Months Leo!


Leo 11 Months


Leo 47 Wks


Leo 46 Wks

Happy 11 Months old Leo!  I can’t believe this is your last month before you turn 1 years old!  Leo weighs in at 19.2lbs and stretches about 29 inches long!  He is still such a happy mellow calm baby, and is always a joy to be around.  Earlier Leo had a really bad stuffy and runny nose that lasted a little over a week, so that was really rough on him (and me), but he managed to stay in good spirits most of the time though.  The only time he was really showing any misery was when he would try to drink his bottle and his nose would be so stuff he couldn’t breathe, and then throw up all his milk a couple times too, so he would cry pretty hard, poor baby =(.  I’m glad he’s all better now and and breathe a-ok!  Leo really likes to look at himself in the mirror and always has a big smile on his face when he sees the handsome little guy smiling back at him.  Leo is still a very good sleeper and takes to take a couple long naps a day and then do a good 12-14 hour stretch of sleep at night!  Good job Leo!!


Leo 45 Wks


Leo 48 Wks

He likes to roll all over the place and kick his feet like crazy.  He really wants to move around, and I feel like he really wants to crawl, it’s just a matter of getting his core muscles and arm muscle tones strong enough so he can do it.  Practice practice practice.  Leo still hasn’t made much progress in terms of eating solids, but he’s getting more use to the zvibe tool.  Hopefully his mouth muscles will loosen up and as his core muscle strengthens, hopefully everything else will fall into place.  For now, I’ve been trying to feed him homemade pureed pees and black beans, but so far he still pushes the food out and doesn’t eat.  We just have to keep on working at it.  Also, his physical therapist suggests we get Leo to do a brain scan, so see if there’s anything going on neurologically that’s preventing him from achieving certain gross motor skills.  He tends to hyper extend his arms and extend them backwards rather than pulling his arms forward for balance.  She thinks it could be neurological, so I’m going to set up an appointment to get him scanned just to make sure.  This worries me of course, but it’s better safe than sorry, and better to know more so we can prepare and work with what we know.  Overall though, Leo is improving on his sitting, he’s able to sit tripod style for about 5 minutes on his own now.  His side sitting is getting better too and I can let go for maybe 15-30 seconds or so before he starts to tip over.  He is babbling a lot more and says “mmm” a lot, I’m pretty sure he’s trying to say “mama” =).   The physical therapist also tried some musical therapy to help him concentrate during therapy.  Sometimes he’ll try to resist and fight her, and so she played some therapeutic rhythmic drumming music, and it instantly calmed him  down, and he was able to do the task at hand, and even sit up on a box all by himself for about a minute!!  Plus, doesn’t he look so cute with those headphones?  So now I will add 30 minutes of rhythmic music to his daily therapy, it’s suppose to help the brain develop too.  Overall, he is making baby step progresses, which is also good.  The therapist said, once he learns a skill, he can’t regress, so it’s just a constant forward moving action, so that’s very encourage.  Keep it up my little prince, mommy is so proud of you!!  I love you to pieces!!

LeoHeadphones (1)LeoHeadphones (2) LeoHeadphones (3)


Lily doing Private Penguin Pose


Lily chopping apples for salad

Lily is so wonderful, spunky, sassy, smart, funny, and amazing.  She continues to shower her baby brother with love and attention and likes to keep an eye on him for me when I need to shower or do things around the house.  She is also my little sous chef, and loves to help me chop whisk and prep for dinner.  She really likes to go shopping now and would always pick something out for me and then look for something for herself.  She is a addicted to candy, she has a major sweets tooth, got that in her blood from her mommy…haha.  She really likes to eat fish, shrimp, cheese, bread, eggs, tofu, noodles, broccoli, peas, string beans, carrots, and steak!  She loves to snack on potato chips, cheesy popcorn (Pirate’s Booty), and peanuts.  Lily also went to the dentist this past weekend and actually let the dentist count and check her teeth for the first time, and she did so well!  When he asked her to open her mouth bigger, she listened and did it, so good Lily!  No tears or anything!  She has 10 teeth on top and 10 teeth on the bottom, and he said they all look straight and good!  Woohoo, good job Lily!  Amazing too since she eats sooo much candy!  Lily loves to help me water the plants and plant succulents in my balcony garden, and she also likes to help Leo read books.  She even grabbed his hand to help him feel the textures on the pages and help him turn the page all on her own too, because she sees me doing it, so she does it now too.  It’s so sweet and heart warming to see her do those things!  I’m so proud of you Lily, I love you soooo much!  You light up my life, I cannot be more lucky to have you at my baby girl!!


Trying on hats at the mall


Lily makes all sorts of chocolates!


Lily helping Leo feel the textures on the book.


Lily with her best friend Zoey putting soil into reusable k-cups at school!

Check out some videos of Leo!

2 Responses to Happy 11 Months Leo!

  1. Jennifer says:

    You truly have amazing kids, and they are lucky to have you being so dedicated and invested in their lives, from Leo’s therapy and practice to cultivating Lily’s creativity. The brain scan does sound worrisome but like you said, it’s better to have all the information and be able to work with what you know. Can’t wait for their bdays next month! See you all then!

  2. Alvina says:

    I love his little laughs in the middle video of OT before eating. He and Chloe have really similar sounding laughs!! I’d like to say I’ll show you next month… but she’s a tough crowd, not very easily amused.

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