Happy 4 Months Leo!

Happy 4 Months to me sweet little prince Leo! Leo weighs in at 11.25 pounds, stretches 23.5 inches, and head measures at 15.25 inches. He is still under 0 percentile but he is growing on his own curve and that’s the important thing. He is 5% in height so I’d say compare to his weight, he’s a tall boy! hehe.  Leo has been having some dry skin and it’s too even all around to be excema so his pediatrician feels it’s probably related to his tet18p, so he recommended putting Aquafor on it.  It really helped a lot and I think in a couple days his skin will go back to it’s super soft baby skin that everyone is so jealous over!  Leo also had his hearing diagnostics again last week and I am happy to report that his hearing is now normal!  He can now hear the low tones just fine and there’s just some remaining fluids in his ears.  They suggested him see an Ear Nose Throat doctor but his pediatrician says he’s still pretty small so lets just wait it out a little longer and see if it’ll drain naturally.


Leo 16 Weeks


Leo 17 Weeks

Leo has been doing well in his therapy sessions, he’s had 3 so far.  He is working on his motor skills and working on his reaching and grabbing skills.  He is also working on tummy time to strengthen his neck as well.  His therapist, Amy, said that development wise he is almost at the 4 month mark.  We just need to continue working with him with, but overall he is doing great!  He is cooing a lot more now compared to just a couple weeks ago!  His voice is super cute!!  Leo is very happy and calm and loves to play.  Amy said he is a very social baby and loves people, especially his mommy!  She said that I am his motivator and that he will always try to find me and see where I am, so I will be his toy and try to get him to look up at me during tummy time, and encourage him to push himself up to find me.  He has been doing really well in terms of movement though, he almost rolled over from back to tummy all by himself!  He is very good at rolling onto his side though.  He likes to sleep on his side since we put him on his side to help him digest and in case he throws up, so I think he prefers that now.  His feeding is improving a lot now too, he takes the bottle a lot quicker now and can finish it in about 20-30 mins now!  Once in awhile it’ll still take him almost an hour, but he’s doing so much better.  He occasionally throws up but now it’s down to maybe once a day instead of twice a day with some small spit ups in between.  I’m so happy that he’s overcoming so many obstacles that are put in front of him.  Leo is so amazing and strong, he is my inspiration!  I’m so proud of him!!


Leo 4 Months Old

Lily has been such an amazing and wonderful loving sister as well.  She always gives Leo kisses and has been doing really well with him being her new roomie too!!  Lily is so silly and has such a big beautiful personality, I just love her to pieces!!  Her current favorite shows on netflix and youtube are Octonauts, Masha and the Bear, Dragon Tales, and Peppa Pig.  She also recently discovered Handy Manny and My Little Pony too.  She loves strawberry and watermelon ice cream (aka frozen yogurt haha).  She has a ginormous sweet tooth, I think that’s mommy’s fault…hehe…, and she is so sweet, helpful, and loving.  She pretty much talks like a normal little person, it’s so amazing how big her vocabulary is.  Sometimes she articulates certain spots in words that makes her sound like she has an accent, it’s super cute!  Lily loves to cut and glue paper, paint, do lots of drawing and arts and crafts.  She loves playing with bubbles, balls, and tools.  She also likes books and reading stories out loud too.  She loves to wearing dresses (particularly the “beautiful one with all the colors” that I made for her, and head bands as well.  She is so bright and cheerful, her happiness just explodes from her little body.  I love you so much Lily, you’re my amazing little Lily pad!

SillyLily CoolLilySwimsuit

Enjoy some videos of the kiddos below!!

One Response to Happy 4 Months Leo!

  1. So many great things in this update! So glad Leo is doing so well! What a little champ! And SOOO cute seeing Lily’s vivacious personality. Can’t wait to see them both in December! =)

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