3 Months

It’s been 3 months… I found this quote that I feel is very real and true…

I never got to hear you cry, I never got to feel you kick, I never got to hold you close or see you smile, but you will forever be missed.  When you love something from the moment it exists in your heart, and it’s taken from you in the blink of an eye, it hurts.  Then when it happens again, it hurts even more…

A lot of people I know don’t deal with these situations, thank goodness for that, and from the outside, sometimes you just don’t know what to say.  This article is really helpful on what NOT to say, HERE.  This article I found is also super helpful on how to help someone who is going through this loss and pain, HERE.  Everyone means well but sometimes at a vulnerable state like this, words needs to be express with caution and I think sometimes less is more.  A simple hug for me is more than enough.  I am lucky to have so many people around me who love and care about me, and I’m blessed to have such a supportive and loving group of family and friends.  It was really rough at first, initially I thought I would never recover enough to live again, but motivations like my precious Lily pad woke me up inside and insisted I try to be myself again.  It took a while longer than it did the first time around.  I was in a deep black hole for a long time, and it took a lot of patience and encouragement from my loved ones to help me see the light again.  Khoa was a major part of that.  He stayed strong for the both of us, even though I know he was hurting inside as well.  He remained my rock, and I am forever grateful and lucky to have him.  As time went on, I’m glad to say that I am ok and happy again.  I’ll never forget, and I will always bring my angels with me as I continue my journey and adventures in life.  Anyways, I love you my angels, thank you for watching over me and your family, we will meet one day, but until then, I will make you proud and live and smile for you.

3 Responses to 3 Months

  1. Khoa Ngo says:

    That quote is very true and applicable and your words, as always, are thoughtful and effective. Thank you for being brave enough to post this. I love you honey, forever and a half.

  2. Alvina says:

    You are so brave for facing this openly and honestly. I know I appreciated the opportunity to listen and cry with you, and the chance to tell you my own feelings and sadness – our friendship is stronger for sharing that hardship together. I just wish that people did not mistake your willingness to share to mean it hurts any less. I know that you inspire others to face their situations with a different perspective when they hear your story. I am going to share this blog post with someone else special in my life in hopes that your perseverance, strength, hope, optimism, and love will help them with their own experience.

    I know that each one of those precious lives that did not blossom in this world will always be in the very deepest part of my heart. <3

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