Craft Therapy

So this month has been one of the hardest month of my life, and only time will truly heal my heart, but each day does bring in a little light into the darkness.  I feel like I’m doing a lot better, but sometimes I have my moments, especially when I’m by myself and my mind tends to wander.  I was feeling a little depressed the other day, so I started to browse the net to distract my mind and I stumbled upon this image of a super cute blazer on this little girl.  I got inspired and decided to make on for Lily!  My mind was instantly distracted and I went into a crafting high!!  haha.  So the next day I woke up super excited to go to the fabric store and pick out fabrics with Lily for her new blazer.  The blazer I saw online was only 1 solid color, but I decided to make a light beige color lining so that when you roll up the sleeves, the cuffs are a different color.  It provided just the pop of charm that I wanted!  It was fun to be doing things with a purpose.  After Lily went to bed that night, I immediately went to work learning and trying to figure out the pattern and how to take on this task.  3 hours later, I finished my first sewn article of clothing for Lily!  It was hard for me to fall asleep that night because I kept imagining how it’ll look on her, and I was too excited to fall asleep.  The next day, I was so happy and felt very proud of myself for making something that looked quite decent and actually fits her!  She wore it with no complaints, and seemed to like it, or so I think haha.  After this project, I felt super happy, and I was proud of myself for channeling my depression into something positive.  Crafting is very therapeutic for me, probably because I enjoy the process, and I get something to be proud of at the end, to show for all my hard work!  This totally cheered me up!!  I have a few more projects I decide to do, so stay tuned for those in the future, it includes more clothes for Lily and a new “room” for Luna! =)  Here are some pictures of her and the blazer, in two outfits.

Speaking of positive and cheerful things, I feel like babies are so angelic when they’re sleeping.  Lily just looks soooo peaceful and sweet when she’s in dreamland, and I can stare at her ALL day!  She makes me soooo happy! I love her to pieces!!

Lily’s crazy hair while sleeping.

She even poses in her sleep! Love it when she falls asleep in my arms!

One Response to Craft Therapy

  1. Super awesome blazer! Great work! I totally agree… Lily is quite the angel when she’s sleeping. =P

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