Daily Archives: September 8, 2013

Lily’s 1st Week of School (Fall 2013)

Lily just had her first week of the new school year (2013-2014) this week starting on Wednesday September 4th!  She hasn’t been in school for almost a week due to the Labor Day holiday, and so when I was driving her to school, I was wondering if she’ll be clingy to me or not.  So when I got to her classroom and let her down on her feet, she immediately started to walk around the classroom and checked out the new layout!  She was waving “hi” to her teachers and totally looked ready to start her day!  She’s so cute I wish I can stay and play with her allllll day, but I’m glad she’s in good hands!!  As I was leaving, I was telling Lily “bye” and she just waved back at me waiting for me to leave so that she can play haha!  How they grow so fast! Her new head teacher, Ms. Stacey Dee took emailed me some great pictures of Lily at her first week back at school!  Her teachers tell me that she insists on feeding herself now, and that she loves to greet everyone (adults and babies) who come in and out of the classroom!  They say she loves to talk and always has a smile on her face!!  That’s our little bundle of joy!! =)  This is going to be a great school year!!!

Enjoy these pictures that her Head Teacher Ms. Dee sent me of Lily at school!