Daily Archives: June 11, 2013


I just realized today that Lily is no longer an infant, but a toddler…sadness =(


Lily’s 1 Year Check-Up

Lily (1 year and 2 days old) got her 1 year check up yesterday!  She weighed in at 18.1 pounds which is actually in the 5 percentile (so small!!!).  Lily eats a lot too but I guess not enough! So the doctor told us to not give Lily whole milk just yet, but give her stage 2 (toddler 9-24 month) formula for about 3 months and add 5 more ounces of milk to her daily intake and reduce the amount of solids.  Her head circumference is 17.5 inches (28%) which he said is good, and she stretches 29 inches long which is around 40%!  Lilyd fell asleep while waiting for the doctor so when he finally came in, he was able to check her ear and nose while she was sleeping haha.  He said everything else looks pretty good, we just need to work on her weight.  It’s amazing how much she changed because just 3 months ago at her 9 month check up, she was almost about 50% in everything.  I guess her metabolism is just too fast or something, time to fatten her up! haha.  Next comes the shots!  We decided to let her sleep while they give her the two shots she’s supposed to get, and this is what happens, poor baby, but what a trooper!!  2 minutes later she was smiling and happy again!  Yay!!!