Happy 9 Months Lily!

Happy 9 months old my precious Lily pad!!!  Lily had her 9 month check up today and she did great for the most part!  She now weighs 17.15 pounds, stretches 27.75 inches long, and has a head circumference of 17 inches.  She’s pretty much average on all point but slipped a tiny bit under average for weight.  She had a finger prick test today to test her anemia level and it’s at 12.3, which is normal!  She also got two shots today, poor baby!  She cried but was very good afterwards.  She kept wanting to chew the band aid on her finger from the finger prick, and when I didn’t let her, she kept crying.  Poor baby, mommy’s sorry, I just want to protect you from the yucky band aid!  She was a little more sensitive today than in the past, so I had to give her extra attention otherwise she’ll cry from the discomfort of the shots, poor baby =(.  Here are some photos of her at her doctor’s visit today!

Enjoying the crinkly paper!

Getting her eyes and nose checked!

Enjoying the view of outside!

So sad!!! It pains to see her cry, but I feel bad cause she looks so cute!

Lily has now become a pro army crawler!  She can crawl from the sitting position and doesn’t hesitate to go towards what she wants.  She is quite fearless and and is a little dare devil!  I’m afraid she’ll sneak up behind me one day and I’ll trip over her.  So I decided to go get her a little anklet with a bell on it so that way I can hear her wherever she goes!  I went to the usual jewelry place for this stuff (Phuoc Loc Tho) with Khoa’s mom, and as a pleasant surprise, she offered to pay for the anklet as an early birthday present to Lily!  Thank you so much Bà Nội!  Now Lily and I have mother daughter matching bracelet and anklet!!
She still loves to bounce and stand (while  supported) but she’s started to stand (while leaning against something) for a much longer time, like 5-10 minutes!  She is start to pull on things to get up now too.  She’s able to pull herself up to her knees on her crib, so it’s now time to lower her crib! It’s amazing how fast she’s growing.  What happened to my precious little baby?  She’ll always be my baby in my eyes.  I’m trying my best to soak up all these moments.  I love holding her before she go to bed for the night, I love squeezing her and tickling her to make her laugh, it just melts my heart!  Here’s a photo of our lily pad at the supermarket!  Doesn’t she look cute you can eat her up??  Also, you can see a video of her army crawling (from 2 weeks ago) all over the place!

I can’t believe our Lily pad is already 9 months old.  She’s been out in the world just about as long as she has been in my belly, so amazing!  I can literally stare at her and just watch her all day long and never be bored!  Another thing that she’s accomplished is that she’s a baby model!  (I will post more on this later).  She is represented by Paloma Model & Talent, and she already had 2 jobs at Infantino modelling toys!  Her picture will be on the packaging boxes for the toys, and those toys can be sold anywhere like Target, Walmart, Babies ‘R Us, Costco, etc!  She had a job yesterday, and one of the moms of the baby models there told me something really special about Lily’s name.  Her daughter’s middle name is also Lily, and she said the name is so beautiful and wonderful because you can’t say her name without smiling!  It’s so true, and I love it!!  Happy 9 months my little angel, mommy and daddy loves you to pieces!!!!

4 Responses to Happy 9 Months Lily!

  1. Jennifer says:

    Oh my goooodness!!! Look at her goooo!!!! What a pro-army crawler!!! Auntie loves you sooooo much, Lily! You really are a special star. See you next month!!!! <3

  2. Khoa says:

    It’s been such a great grand adventure so far! It has been so amazing seeing our little monster grow up right in front of our eyes. Having a child is difficult, but all of the wonderful memories and moments that are so incredible that you simply can’t put them into words make the difficulties seem insignificant. The only thing I wish is that Lily would slow down, she is just growing up way too fast!

  3. Cynthia says:

    So cute! I love the picture of her in the grocery store on the scale. haha. Glad she is growing up strong and healthy!! So sweet what the other mom said about her name. Love her!!

  4. alvina says:

    Lol, I wonder if she lost water weight since she’s eating so much more solid foods now instead of *grasping hand motions* (baby sign!) milk. <3 She's so perfect <3

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