Daily Archives: January 11, 2013

Happy 7 Months Lily!

Happy 7 months old my precious Lily pad!  Lucky number 7, and she is definitely my silly little lucky charm!!  She turned 7 months old 3 days ago, but today she had her follow up flu shot, so I wanted to weight to get her measurements so I can document it!  Unfortunately she didn’t get any measurements done at the office so I did a couple myself!  She is currently weighing in at 16.2 pounds and she is about 25.5 inches long!  I think she’s right where she needs to be, but most importantly, she’s strong and healthy and super happy! We cannot ask for anything else, we are constantly over the moon over our little angel.  She really is such a happy baby and seeing her before I sleep, and first thing when I wake up, makes each day a special one.  I love all her silly faces she makes, I love her toothless (mostly toothless, her bottom 2 middle teeth is coming in!) smile, I love her pouts which she rarely does, but I love it when she does it.

I love all the little baby sounds she makes, her bubbling mumbles and raspberries, and even the sound of her whines and cries.  I love her sweet baby smell, her super soft skin and her crazy wild hair!  At 7 months, she is almost about to crawl all over the place!  Right now she is very determined to reach for her toys, and a few times she will use her arms and pull her body forward!  I feel like she will full on crawl any time now!  She rolls around like crazy now, and she loves to stand and bounce.  She’s is also really good at sitting unsupported and likes to pass her toys from one hand to the other and then stick it in her mouth!  Haha.  Just last week she uttered the word “mom” several times as well.  I was so excited I grabbed the camera and started rolling!  She was eating her dinner at the time and also very sleepy, so the video was quite chaotic, but it’s my proof she said it!  It’s a long video so I won’t post it, but next time, I will be sure to capture it again soon!  It’s amazing all the new sounds she’s making, she really favors the “m” sound, lucky me!! =) Every time she sits there playing on the carpet, I just think to myself how crazy time has gone by.  Lily is like a tiny little person, independent, cute, so smart! Where did my baby go??  Luckily she still is a baby, but she will always be my baby forever!!!  Happy 7 months Lily!  Mommy and daddy is soooo proud of you, we love you soooo much!!!!!!