Daily Archives: December 8, 2012

Happy 6 Months Lily!

Happy 6 months Lily!  I cannot believe half a year has already gone by!!  We had Lily’s 6 month check up yesterday as well, and she weighs 15.6 pounds, she’s 25 inches long, and her head measures 16.5 inches in circumference!  Her pediatrician said she’s a very healthy and strong baby, and knows exactly where to grow since she was in the 50th percentile in all areas haha!  She got two shots, and she was super brave and good!  She didn’t make a peep with the first shot, but then 2 seconds after the second one, she let out a short cry and once I picked her up, she stopped!  She’s so good!  She eats 6 fl. oz. in every meal except once a day we give her 7fl oz.  We started giving her solids 2 weeks ago, so she’s been eating about 1 oz of that a day as well.  She is still sleeping through the night, about 10-12 hours at night.  She is able to sit by herself a lot longer now, but sometimes she’s still wobbly so she cannot sit unsupervised.  She’s still very strong and just the other day we moved her up 1 level on the jumper!  She’s growing so fast, and her personality is slowly coming out more and more each day.  She’s so cute, lovable and fun, we are both in so much love with this little angel.  Happy 6 months Lily!!!