Daily Archives: September 8, 2012

Happy 3 Months Lily!

Happy 3 month old Lily!!! I can’t believe our precious angel is officially no longer a newborn!! =(  Lily is about 12.4 pounds and she stretches about 22 inches!  Our baby never ceases to amaze me everyday.  She sleeps about 11-12 hours a night and she’s eating about 5 ounces (once or twice she’ll eat 4 ounces) at each feeding.  She is so alert and loves to watch and observe her surroundings and she’s getting so good at playing with her adventure gym!  She can grab the toys and wiggle them around!  She has a crazy ninja grip and likes to grab onto my hair a lot, and she smiles so much!  She likes to coo gibberish a lot now and tell us her stories about her dreams (I think) haha.  Today we went to get her hands and foot prints made into cute little ornaments!  This lady is super friendly and was referred to us by Hoag, her name is Sarah Martin and you can find her information at footprintsnmore.com!  She is super pro at this and the prints come out amazingly awesome!!  It’s such a great keepsake that’ll last us forever, she’ll never be this small again, so it will be timeless!  We received a coupon from Hoag for a free foot print ornament, but we ended up getting both hand and foot print ornament, a heart hand and foot prints plague, and a “remove shoes please” plague as well!  They’re so cute!  It takes 6-8 weeks for them to be ready for pick up, so we will post pictures of them once we get them!!  We will definitely come back for more as she grows older and come back when we have the next baby =).  Lily’s personality is developing so much and so far, she’s still a pretty calm baby and we count our lucky stars everyday that she is so wonderful!  She is so happy and is chuckling a little more but still not the full on laugh yet (can’t wait for that day!).  She started learning Baby Signing earlier this week as well!  I can’t believe how time is flying by.  Happy 3 months my Lily pad, you warm my heart every day!!  XOXO!!