Daily Archives: March 20, 2012

Hello 3rd Trimester! 7 Months!

I am doing the happy dance because I am officially in my 3rd trimester! Today I am exactly 28 weeks along with my pregnancy and I cannot be more happy! Also, today is the first day of Spring! Yay! Doesn’t all this goodness make you want to jump for joy? I sure do! Our little baby dragon Lily really is my lucky charm! This is month 7, lucky number 7, and this past weekend was just St. Patrick’s day so that’s why I decided to wear green in my photo! Our dragon Lily gave us so much luck, here are a few examples: I won my first poker game ever on our recent trip to Bass Lake with some great friends of mine, and we got some scratcher tickets and it led to 2 more free scratcher tickets, and $3! Those 2 tickets then won us another free ticket and $10 more! We haven’t cashed in that last free ticket, but I know it’ll for sure be a lucky one!

As for updates, there’s not much. I recently got a bad cold and phlemgy cough, and I’m still battling it as we speak. I don’t know if it’s related to my sudden sickness or not, but I lost a couple pounds…so that’s a little worrisome to me since I’m suppose to be gaining weight! I’ve been trying to get a hold of my Dr. but they have been closed, so I will try again tomorrow. Hopefully it’s nothing to worry about! Positive thinking! Also, Khoa came home last night and brought me this beautiful bouquet of flowers to make me feel all cheery! Isn’t he the sweetest??

I am happy to announce that I still have my belly button…but I’m trying my best not to get too attached haha. I do not have stretch mark yet on my belly, and I do emphasize YET because I know it’s inevitable! But I’m laying on the lotions thick anyways cause you never know, it could be helping a little bit! I am sleeping better now and then, but it could be because I’m sick and am exhausted, but at least I got some nights of uninterrupted sleep! I need to enjoy it while it lasts!

Khoa and I took our first baby class last night too! It was Baby Basics so we learned how to soothe the baby when it’s crying, learned how to give the baby a bath, change her clothes, change her diaper, and swaddling! It was a very informative class and I’m glad we went! I was tempted not to go because I’m feeling so sick, but I toughed it out and now I feel that much more prepared! We have an 8 hour long birthing class this coming saturday, and a baby safety class this coming monday! Lots to look forward too!

Here’s a photo of my baby bump at 28 weeks! 7 Months baby! =D