Daily Archives: February 17, 2012

Parts of Baby

I’ve been meaning to post this last month, but now is better than never!  We found out the gender of our baby on January 11, 2012, it’s a GIRL!  We also got a few ultrasound images of our baby and here’s a collage to show you how far she’s developing.  It’s amazing what’s been formed already and you can just look at her beautiful bones and spine and just look at those limbs!!

Here is a video as well that shows our little precious dragon Lily (yes her name will be Lily!) wiggling around and you can see her heart beat pumping away!  What a strong heart!

Also for more updates, I felt the baby kick higher in my belly for the first time on a few days ago on Monday, February 13th!  Normally she kicks and punches really low by the hairline, but now she’s starting to expand and moved up only a couple inches below my belly button now!  It’s very exciting to feel her everyday, and she just keeps getting stronger, and the amount she moves at a time is increasing as well!  I love seeing Khoa’s reaction when he gets to feel how much she moves, it’s such a great feeling!  As for more updates on my weight: I lost a total of 5 pounds as of mid January since my start weight back in October.  Since my last appointment a couple weeks ago, I gained 6 pounds, making me +1 pound since my start weight.  It’s really strange how little weight I’ve gained because my belly clearly is getting larger, but since the anatomy ultrasounds in January showed that the baby is growing and developing just fine, my doctor isn’t too worried yet.  Hopefully, at my next appointment in two weeks, I will continue to gain weight and I won’t have to do weekly growth ultrasounds, but even if I do have to, then at least I get to see our dragon Lily more!! =)

Another exciting news is that I’m over half way done with this pregnancy, I can’t believe how fast time has flown!  Dragon Lily can now hear our voices for a few weeks now, but she can also hear surrounding noises as well, so watch what you say, she can hear you!  We make sure to have belly talk every night so Lily can know our voices =).  Also, she can hear my own heart beat!  How much more connection can a mother and daughter get than that?!  There’s really something sweet about her being able to listen to the rhythm of my heart every day =).  Now I leave you with a photo of me taken around the 5 month mark, due to high demands to see my baby bump!  It’s not impressive yet, but that will surely change rather quickly!