Boy or Girl?

On Wednesday, January 11th, we got to find out the gender of our sweet babyDragon! We were really bummed that Khoa couldn’t make it to my ultrasound appointment with me, so I wanted to plan some special and surprise Khoa with a plan to find out the gender of our babyDragon together. So what I started my plan by asking the sonographer to write down the gender of babyDragon on a piece of paper. I bought a giant cardboard box (I searched 3 different places, Staples, Kinkos, and Home Depot, for the largest box I can find too, Home Depot is the place to go! I flipped the box inside out so that it didn’t have the Home Depot logo all over it) to Party City, and asked the girl behind the counter for a special request. I handed her an envelope that that contained the gender photo and keyword, and told her to fill the box with either pink and white balloons, or blue and white balloons depending on what the paper says. She was really ecstatic and enthusiastic to help me out, which made the process more exciting, and gave me choices on “It’s a Girl” or “It’s a Boy” aluminum balloons. I waited outside while they blew up the balloons and filled my box, and was called back in when they finished! The girl was really nice and thorough to make sure the surprise wasn’t ruined!

So I lugged the giant box back into my car, and boy was it a tight squeeze. Good thing I couldn’t find a bigger box or it would have be disasterous! So I finally get home, and by this time, Khoa already gotten home from work, and brought home dinner from Chili’s. I wanted to cook, but we were both too excited to find out the answer that we figured this was be easier and faster! I told Khoa to stay inside his office while I brought my box up to dragon’s lair (the nursery), because I wanted to surprise him with my plan, so he has no idea about the box and what’s inside! I must say, carrying a giant 22″x22″x22″ box up 2 flights of stairs is quite a challenge, I kept crashing into the stair rail and wall..but good thing the box is cardboard and not wood or something otherwise we’d have to repair the walls in our house…haha!

So after Khoa and I wolfed down our dinner and talked about our day, and then talked about what we think dragon is. We both think dragon will be a boy. Either way, dragon will be our precious baby and we will love him/her to death!!! Sounds silly, but it’s true. I quickly decorated the box and then called Khoa up for the grand reveal!! I walk him into the dragon’s lair, and right in the middle of the empty room is the giant box. He immediately goes “Wow, you did this yourself??” So still having no clue what’s inside the box, I tell him that once we open it, we will know!! So at this point, I don’t know about him, but I was getting all sorts of jitters and butterflies and a litle nervous too! I cannot believe we’ll find out within seconds!! So we countdown “Ready? 3, 2, 1, OPEN!” and we rip the tape and open the box….PINK balloons come flying out!!!

It’s a GIRL!!!

I was so happy and tears start streaming down my face!! We were jumping up and down and I could not stop saying “It’s a GIRL!! it’s a GIIIIIRL!!! AHHH IT’S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!” we hugged and Khoa held me in his arms and we just stood there staring at the pink and white balloons and we were just overwhelmed with joy! Khoa and I will be having a little baby dragon girl!!

Here is the gender photo we received. I have NO idea what the arrow is pointing to and what it all means, but I am pretty confident the quick cursive writing says “girl” so that’s all that matters to me!

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